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Back to School Night 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night 2018

2 Academic Expectations
We teach all children at their level using a variety of techniques Hands-on Small Group Whole Group We have HIGH expectations for every child.

3 Language Arts PALS Phonemic Awareness Literacy Screening
Given 3 times a year- Fall, Winter, Spring Fall gives us a Baseline for where we need to begin instruction for your child Results will be discussed at November Conferences

4 Language Arts Guided Reading Guided reading will begin in November
Students will be placed in a group based on their instructional level Levels span from A - Z Kindergarten students are expected to be a level c or d by the end of the year.


6 Math AMC Assessing Math Concepts Given Throughout the year Counting
more and less than One to One correspondence Fact Fluency

7 Math Investigations Hands-On approach Learning through games
More math time by integrating math in daily routines like calendar Numerous opportunities to explore and problem solve using a variety of strategies and tools

8 Science and Social Studies
STEAM- Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math Content units are integrated Themes include: Apples, Pumpkins, Famous Americans, Life Cycles, Shadows, Magnets, Plants, Seasons, Community, and Many more

9 Report Cards Distributed 4 times a year- November, February, April, and June No Interims in Kindergarten Not all work is given a grade. If graded, the scale is: 1 (Below Grade Level) Cannot complete assignment, even with teacher help 2 (Working toward standard) Needs assistance to perform a skill 3 (on grade level) Consistently able to perform a skill without help 4 (above Grade Level) consistently using higher level thinking skills; going above and beyond expectations

10 Informal Baggie Books Fluency Sheets Sight Words and Letter Practice
Homework Informal Baggie Books Fluency Sheets Sight Words and Letter Practice

11 Behavior Communication sheet
Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting Classroom community Classroom Rules Behavior Communication sheet

12 I am here to answer any questions you may have. Thank YOU for coming!

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