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Room 111 News Friday November 17, 2017 Important dates:

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1 Room 111 News Friday November 17, 2017 Important dates:
No Shine student next week due to short week Shine student for the week of 11/27 is Annalise  Monday 11/20: 1st and 2nd Grade Thanksgiving Prayer Service 11/22-11/26: No school - Thanksgiving Break! 11/27: Grace Before Meals Prayer assessment Tuesday 12/5: 1st + 2nd grade Christmas Program Interims posted Important Information: There WILL NOT be a spelling test next week or the week after!!! If any paper in the packet says- Redo, Fix, Inc, Do This, or N- I am expecting those papers back and corrected by Monday. This is true every week! Please remember to send in $.50 for our priests’ Christmas gifts! Thanks! Thank you to all those who have sent in items for the school food drive! We will be collecting food for the next couple of weeks. There will be no white envelope or newsletter next week Our special Thanksgiving snack and prayer service is Monday 11/20! We have been learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans as part of our Social Studies unit on history. We will join with the second graders to celebrate together. Thank you to everyone who sent in items to help with this fun day! If you are sending your donation in Monday, please send it in the morning with your child. Remember all are invited to join us at 10:10 in the gym! We have been working on Fact and Opinion! The students enjoyed the book Duck! Rabbit!. They wrote if they thought the animal was a duck or a rabbit. They also had to support there view with reasonable details. Rabbit got the most votes! Students will be assessed on the Grace Before Meals prayer. Most have already shown they know the prayer during practice. Some students are rusty on the Sign of the Cross. They are getting confused on the motions and using the proper hand. (right not left) For the Advent season, we will be reading scriptures from the Bible about the many people that were waiting for the birth of Jesus. We will also be studying the Church calendar as a new Church year begins. Home and School is doing a Festival of Trees to be raffled off at the Christmas Programs. Our tree will be a Snowman Tree. Room 111 is accepting donations of snowmen ornaments/decorations or $5.00 cash donations to help make a beautiful tree. Thanks! Conferences went great again this week. Thank you for meeting with me to discuss your child’s progress. I wish all of you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving with your families! Enjoy the extra time together. 

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