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BOTTOM LINE: RESEARCH, PROMOTION AND TENURE Nuts and Bolts Research Methods Symposium September 29, 2006 Billy S. Arant, Jr., M.D., FAAP Professor of Pediatrics.

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Presentation on theme: "BOTTOM LINE: RESEARCH, PROMOTION AND TENURE Nuts and Bolts Research Methods Symposium September 29, 2006 Billy S. Arant, Jr., M.D., FAAP Professor of Pediatrics."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOTTOM LINE: RESEARCH, PROMOTION AND TENURE Nuts and Bolts Research Methods Symposium September 29, 2006 Billy S. Arant, Jr., M.D., FAAP Professor of Pediatrics Chair, Committee on Academic Appointments and Promotions UTCOM Chattanooga Member, CAAP, UTHSC ASH Specialist in Clinical Hypertension Diplomate, American Board of Clinical Lipidology


3 DECISION TREE RANK –Instructor –Assistant Professor –Associate Professor –Professor COMMITMENT –Fulltime Regular Limited –Part-time Joint –Administrative –Affiliated –Volunteer Adjunct Clinical TRACK Tenure Non-tenure

4 DECISION TREE RANK –Instructor –Assistant Professor –Associate Professor –Professor COMMITMENT –Fulltime Regular Limited –Part-time Joint –Administrative –Affiliated –Volunteer Adjunct Clinical TRACK Tenure Non-tenure

5 DECISION TREE RANK –Instructor –Assistant Professor –Associate Professor –Professor COMMITMENT –Fulltime Regular Limited –Part-time Joint –Administrative –Affiliated –Volunteer Adjunct Clinical TRACK Tenure Non-tenure

6 DECISION TREE RANK –Instructor –Assistant Professor –Associate Professor –Professor COMMITMENT –Fulltime Regular Limited –Part-time Joint –Administrative –Affiliated –Volunteer Adjunct Clinical TRACK Tenure Non-tenure

7 TENURE Faculty entitlement [job security] –Tenure track Achieve within 6 years –Does not depend on promotion [except Instructor] –Does depend of value of faculty member to the institution Teaching effectiveness [fair share of departmental load] Funding ongoing Publications [papers per year] Trainees track record Recognition of faculty member ~ institutional prestige Political atmosphere in department Department ChairDeanChancellor –Tenure awarded by Board of Trustees and guaranteed as long as program continues and positive performance


9 research teachingteaching patient care promotion and tenure

10 FACULTY RANK Instructor –Initial appointment usually –Completed training –Not yet board-certified in specialty/subspecialty –Excellent academic record –Not yet established independence –Interest in teaching and scholarly activities –Effective with students and colleagues

11 FACULTY RANK Assistant professor –Doctorate or terminal degree –Board-certified in specialty/subspecialty –Promise as a teacher * –Evidence of scholarly activity or promise * –Participate in other professional activities –Relate effectively to students/colleagues * *[peer/student eval]

12 FACULTY RANK Associate professor –Doctorate or terminal degree –Board-certified in specialty/subspecialty –Reputation as an effective teacher * –Record of scholarly attainment * [ 5-7 prp] –Participate in other professional activities –Relate effectively to students/colleagues * –Rank of assistant professor for 4 years –2 letters recommendation associate prof+ *[peer/student eval]

13 FACULTY RANK Professor –Doctorate or terminal degree –Board-certified in specialty/subspecialty –Reputation as an excellent teacher * –Record of excellence in scholarly attainment* [12-15prp] Participate in other professional activities [nat/inter] –Relate effectively to students/colleagues * –Rank of associate professor for 5 years –2 outside letters from professors attesting to national/international recognition *[peer/student eval]

14 WHAT IS TEACHING? Course design/syllabus/director Lectures [students/residents/CME] How many? Laboratory [supervision of students/trainees] Conferences How Many? Rounds How often? Patient care supervision [when students present?] Clinical skills preceptor Directed reading plan Evaluation of learning What percent of total effort spent teaching? You say! How effective are you as a teacher? Others say!

15 WHAT IS TEACHING? A teacher hasnt taught until there is evidence that the student has learned!

16 WHAT IS SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY? Are you asking questions? –Challenging dogma –Rethinking mechanisms –Confronting doubt/dilemma –New/different approach –Quality improvement Push the envelope!

17 EVIDENCE FOR SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY? Research – clinical or laboratory Funding – institutional or extramural Productivity –Abstracts presented regional/national/internat –Peer-reviewed journals Original research Reviews –Book chapters

18 EVIDENCE FOR SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY? Research – clinical or laboratory Funding – institutional or extramural Productivity [after training] –Abstracts presented at regional/national/internat –Peer-reviewed journals Original research Reviews –Books –Book chapters

19 WHAT REALLY COUNTS? Original research Extramural funding Peer-reviewed journal –Reputation of journal in the field Who dunnit? –Arant B, Smith J, Doe J, Jones Z, Black T, Gray S, Green M, Brown G, Carson J, Wayne J, Clark R, Andrews T: A cost effective cure for cancer. Nature 23:1478-1512, 2006.

20 WHAT REALLY COUNTS? Original research Extramural funding Peer-reviewed journal –Reputation of journal in the field Who dunnit? –Arant B, Smith J, Doe J, Jones Z, Black T, Gray S, Green M, Brown G, Carson J, Wayne J, Clark R, Andrews T: A cost effective cure for cancer. Nature 23:1478-1512, 2006.

21 WHAT REALLY COUNTS? Original research Extramural funding Peer-reviewed journal –Reputation of journal in the field Who dunnit? –Arant B, Smith J, Doe J, Jones Z, Black T, Gray S, Green M, Brown G, Carson J, Wayne J, Clark R, Andrews T: A cost effective cure for cancer. Nature 23:1478-1512, 2006.

22 WHAT REALLY COUNTS? Original research Extramural funding Peer-reviewed journal –Reputation of journal in the field Who dunnit? –Arant B, Smith J, Doe J, Jones Z, Black T, Gray S, Green M, Brown G, Carson J, Wayne J, Clark R, Andrews T: A cost effective cure for cancer. Nature 23:1478-1512, 2006.

23 WHAT REALLY COUNTS? Original research Extramural funding Peer-reviewed journal –Reputation of journal in the field Who dunnit? –Arant B, Smith J, Doe J, Jones Z, Black T, Gray S, Green M, Brown G, Carson J, Wayne J, Clark R, Andrews T: A cost effective cure for cancer. Nature 23:1478-1512, 2006.

24 WHAT REALLY COUNTS? Original research Extramural funding Peer-reviewed journal –Reputation of journal in the field Who dunnit? –Arant B, Smith J, Doe J, Jones Z, Black T, Gray S, Green M, Brown G, Carson J, Wayne J, Clark R, Andrews T: A cost effective cure for cancer. Nature 23:1478-1512, 2006.

25 WHAT REALLY COUNTS? Original research Extramural funding Peer-reviewed journal –Reputation of journal in the field Who dunnit? –Arant B, Smith J, Doe J, Jones Z, Black T, Gray S, Green M, Brown G, Carson J, Wayne J, Clark R, Andrews T: A cost effective cure for cancer. Nature 23:1478-1512, 2006.

26 PROCESS FOR PROMOTION Ask yourself, Do I meet the criteria? Meet with departmental chair –Updated c.v. in UT format –Accomplishment and goals Chair requests letters of recommendation –Academic affiliation and rank of authors clearly stated Chair writes letter to dean [really important] December Reviewed by CAAP January CAAP recommends [or doesnt] to Dean February Dean recommends to Executive Dean March Executive Dean recommends to Chancellor April Chancellor recommends to Board of Trustees June Promotion effective July


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