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A New Industrial Revolution: Inventions

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1 A New Industrial Revolution: Inventions
March 9, 2018 Mrs. Aguiar 8/3 Social Studies A New Industrial Revolution: Inventions America: The Land of the Inventors

2 Bessemer Process: 1850s Created stronger steel at a much lower cost.

3 Oil: 1859 Results We hit oil!!! New methods were devised to refine crude oil into lubricants for machines – and later, gasoline!! Add your results here

4 The Railroad Boom Companies improved service by adding sleeping and dining cars Smaller companies consolidated into one large company Companies began offering discounts to loyal customers

5 The Light Bulb: 1879 Created by Thomas Edison
Provided extra daylight for both work and leisure

6 The Telephone: 1876 Created by Alexander Graham Bell
Provided instant communication over many miles

7 Shoe-Making Machine: 1883 Created by Jan Matzeliger
Provided cheaper, stronger shoes

8 Lightweight Camera: 1888 Created by George Eastman
Allowed anyone to be a photographer

9 Type-Writer: 1868 Created by Christopher Sholes
“Letter writing device” Allowed people to type 60 words per minute

10 Assembly Line: 1913 Created by Henry Ford
Mass-produced cars, making them cheaper for consumers 1900: 8,000 cars in U.S. 1917: 4.5 million cars in U.S.

11 Gas Powered Airplane: 1903 Created by Wright Brothers
Great military use in WWI

12 YOUR TURN!!! Create an invention that you think could help our society!

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