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School and the World of Work

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1 School and the World of Work
Comenius Networks Info Day 21. September 2000 Proposals for a Thematic Network Dr. Peter Härtel

2 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel
Starting Points World of work in far-reaching changes New jobs and occupations (f.e. IKT) New requirements of qualifications (f.e. personal skills) Knowledge based economy 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

3 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel
Challange for Early preparation and orientation in school Activities on the interfaces between school and working life Educational and vocational guidance 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

4 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel
Action Fields Prepare young people early for needs of qualifications in working life Basic personal and professional skills Career guidance and vocational orientation Insight, meetings, work in real working life 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

5 Proposals for a Thematic Network
„ School and Business – Making Transition Work“ Contents and elements Recent Sources Results and Products 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

6 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel
Contents and Elements Reflection of the situation in schools, regions, for young people with regard to transition to working life Collect, compare and discuss examples of best practice in schools and at the interfaces between school and working life Documentation and evaluation of relevant Comenius-Projects 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

7 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel
Recent Sources Thematic Review „Making Transition Work“ OECD 2000 EU-National Action Programs for young people Education at a Glance, OECD Social Report, Eurapean Commission 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

8 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel
Results and Products Structured overview of successful cases and best practice Documentation (Print and Internet Platform) 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

9 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel
Structured interactive communication (discussion forum in Internet) Tools, materials, reports of project as source for teachers, trainers, career guidance 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

10 Styrian Economic Society
Dr. Peter Härtel Working on the interfaces between school and business Network with social partners, schools, colleges, universities, further education 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

11 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel
Padagogical Institute in Styria Prof. Dr. Erwin Kämmerer Institute for Teacher Training and Organisation Development in Schools 21. September 2000 School and the World of Work Dr. Peter Härtel

12 School and the World of Work
Comenius Networks Info Day 21. September 2000 Proposals for a Thematic Network Dr. Peter Härtel

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