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Start Up’s in Lapland?.

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Presentation on theme: "Start Up’s in Lapland?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start Up’s in Lapland?

2 Lapland FYI Yes, reindeer outnumber people; over 3:2.
Yes, home to Santa Claus and vast wilderness; about ⅓ Finland’s total land area. Yes, a hot-bed for tourism; 18% increase in overnights in , about ¼ million in 01/2018. Yes, a strong educational presence; U of Lapland, Lapin UAS & LAO total about 15K. Yes, a great place to live and raise a family. But, it’s missing something...

3 Start-up environment in Lapland today
Lacking support & knowledge when it comes to: Investors/Investment Digitalization Internationalization Co-operation/Partnerships Sharing of ideas Available workspaces for startups and entrepreneurs

4 Schools are inward-facing. Ideas kept secret or revealed too late.

5 How do we fix this?

6 Startup Ecosystem!

7 Startup Ecosystem 10 M.€ Local Fund

8 Flexible working environment > Co- working space
Startup Ecosystem Flexible working environment > Co- working space

9 Pitching and Coaching culture
Startup Ecosystem Pitching and Coaching culture

10 Come for the studies, stay for the career opportunities.
Sell it first!!! Start realizing.

11 Stop “brain-drain”. Return of senior professionals.

12 50% of 5 million is better than 100% of 500K.

13 Sharing culture - ideas, know-how, space, investments.

14 What makes a good startup?
Startups are born from ideas, not specific places. Key to success? Support exists & is available when needed. Accessibility to competent coaching & adequate resources.

15 Let’s start to do things!

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