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Methods Choices Overall Approach/Design

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Presentation on theme: "Methods Choices Overall Approach/Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods Choices Overall Approach/Design
Qualitative or Quantitative Primary or secondary data Survey, experiment, case study, etc. Who to study - population, sample individuals, market segments, populations What to study - concepts, measures behavior, knowledge, attitudes Cost vs Benefit of Study

2 Epistemologies Positivism Interpretive /Post positivism
objective reality measurable, operational measures reductionist Interpretive /Post positivism different realities socially constructed understand phenomena via meanings people assign

3 Qualitative vs Quantitative
Gen’l Laws Test Hypotheses Predict behavior Outsider-Objective Structured formal measures probability samples statistical analysis Qualitative Unique/Individual case Understanding Meanings/Intentions Insider-Subjective Unstructured open ended measures judgement samples interpretation of data Purpose Perspective Procedures

4 When to Use QL Emphasize individual outcomes, personalized evaluation
Understand program process or implementation Need depth on certain clients/cases Focus on unique, diversity Formative evaluations Case-specific quality assurance system, nuances of program quality

5 More Reasons for QL Goal-free evaluation Lack of proven QN instruments
Exploratory Add depth, meaning to QN study Break survey routine Develop program theory

6 Qualitative vs Quantitative Approaches
Focus Group In-Depth Interview Case Study Participant observation Secondary data analysis Quantitative Surveys Experiments Structured observation

7 Case Study In depth analysis of a single case within real-life context (or small number of cases) - Detailed description of the case Multiple sources of data Triangulation Both qualitative & quantitative data

8 In-depth interviews Unstructured interviews Truly open ended questions
Informal conversation Interview guide Structured open ended Truly open ended questions How satisfied are you with program How do you feel about the program Probing, neutrality, recognition, rapport, sensitivity, maintain control

9 Participant Observation
Range in observation from structured QN observation to participant observation Trained observers Non-verbal behavior, setting, … Overt vs covert observation

10 Focus Group Small group interviews (7-12) Homogeneous groups
Moderator skills important Clear purpose/focus; topic guide Often have multiple focus groups

11 Key advantages Socially oriented Probing for depth
Low cost, speedy results Efficiency of group interview High face validity

12 Other QL “Methods” Ethnography Action research Field studies
Hermaneutics Content analysis

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