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Lesson 7 Vocabulary English I Honors.

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1 Lesson 7 Vocabulary English I Honors

2 1. Adieu- “ Farewell”; a farewell
As my friends boarded the airplane, I waved and shouted, “Adieu! Have a safe trip.” 2. Advent- an arrival; a coming into place or view The advent of spring is particularly welcome after a long, harsh winter. 3. Apex- the highest point, tip In you want to reach the apex of the Washington Monument, you can take the stairs or an elevator.

3 4. Assimilate- to absorb fully or make one’s own; to adopt as one’s own; to adapt fully
A well-read person assimilates knowledge of a wide range of subjects. 5. Bogus- false, counterfeit Cashiers receive special training so that they will be able to identify bogus currency. 6. Exorbitant- unreasonably high; excessive Management rejected the union’s demands for higher wages and better benefits as exorbitant.

4 7. Interim-the time between; temporary, coming between two points in time
In the interim between landing and takeoff, the ground crew cleaned and refueled the plane. 8. Inundate- to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size Torrential rains and high tides inundated the streets of the picturesque seaside community. 9. Malign- to speak evil of, slander; evil Iago reveals his malign motives to the audience in a series of soliloquies

5 10. Meander- to wander about, wind about; a sharp turn or twist
Lombard Street in San Francisco is famous for its many meanders. 11. Metropolis- a large city; the chief city of an area Archaeologists have learned much about the Mayans from the ruins of the metropolis Palenque. 12. Momentous- very important A momentous decision by the Supreme Court in 1954 declared public school segregation unconstitutional.

6 13. Obstreperous- noisy, unruly, disorderly
Our teacher will not tolerate obstreperous behavior in the classroom. 14. Pensive- thoughtful; melancholy We admired the skill with which the artist captured the child’s pensive expression. 15. Perilous- dangerous Episodes of old-time movie serials usually ended with the hero or heroine in perilous circumstances.

7 16. Shoddy- of poor quality; characterized by inferior workmanship
That designer watch I bought from a street vendor turned out to be a shoddy knockoff. 17. Sprightly- Lively, full of life; spicy, flavorful Though Grandmother is well into her eighties, she is still as sprightly as a teenager. 18. Surly- angry and bad-tempered; rude Passengers stranded in an airport because their flight is cancelled may become quite surly.

8 19. Tirade- a long, angry speech, usually very critical
The dictator’s televised tirade against his opponents lasted for four hours. 20. Vagrant- an idle wanderer, tramp; wandering aimlessly Advertisers continually vie with one another to capture the vagrant attention of fickle consumers.

9 Sentences 1. I feel that a symphony orchestra is just as important to a(n)_ as a big department store or a major-league sports team. Metropolis 2. Churchill once said that if a nation tries to avoid everything that is hard and_, it will weaken its own security. Perilous

10 3. I have no respect for people who are unfailingly courteous to their superiors but_ to the employees under them. Surly 4. Only after Lincoln’s death did most people appreciate the great qualities of the man who had been so_ in his own lifetime. Maligned

11 5. The bylaws state that any member who speaks in a(n)_ manner is to be quieted by the sergeant at arms. obstreperous

12 Assignment Choose 10 words from the vocabulary list. Write a sentence using each word. You are not allowed to use the following words: 1. metropolis 2. perilous 3. surly 4. maligned 5. obstreperous

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