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Cloudward Bound: Planning for Beneficial Migration of Enterprise Applications to the Cloud B95b01023 鍾宇彥.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloudward Bound: Planning for Beneficial Migration of Enterprise Applications to the Cloud B95b01023 鍾宇彥."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloudward Bound: Planning for Beneficial Migration of Enterprise Applications to the Cloud
B95b01023 鍾宇彥

2 Migrating reachability policies
Abstraction and problem formulation ACL migration algorithm Granularity of policies in R Deriving Rnew Partitioning Rnew Installing Rnew

3 Abstraction and problem formulation
Correctness Old and new must have the same result Migrating entity At least: a server Reachability Matrix Access Control List (ACL) Avoid unwanted traffic

4 Reachability Matrix Record direction, ACL must encounter
Like the directed graph presented by adjacency matrix ---- a: access control list (ACL)

5 ACL migration algorithm
Filter domain (Fa) Set of origin-destination(OD) entity communication pairs(i,j) filtered by ACL a Scalability w/o setting domain, setting rule between each pairs Fa2 comprise: source destination BE1 fe1 fe2 BE2 INT

6 ACL migration algorithm
Deriving Rnew Infer Rold from LDC Translate : Ex: IP mapping Partitioning Rnew Filtered by LDC or CDC Filter the package before remote communication LDC: Local Data Center CDC: Cloud Data Center

7 Rnew matrix Two submatrices extracted from ACL a2 Partition:
Dotted: filtered in CDC Gray: filtered in LDC Two submatrices extracted from ACL a2

8 Installing Rnew - Submatrix extraction
For scaling: keep number of submatrices small Greedy choice maximum subset Fa2(LDC,1) Fa2(LDC,2) Fa2(LDC,1) source destination BE1 fe1 fe2 BE2 Fa2(LDC,2) source destination INT fe2

9 Installing Rnew Locating placement ACL a2 Place ACL at edge-cut-set
Computing minimum edge-cut-set for each submatrices BE1 BE2 fe1 fe2 ACL a2 Theoretical ACL place location for Fa2(LDC,1) Fa2(LDC,1) source destination BE1 fe1 fe2 BE2

10 Installing Rnew - Locating placement
CDC ACL placement LDC ACL placement BE1 BE2 fe1 fe2 AR BR Red: path to fe1 Blue: path to fe2 Fa2(LDC,1) physical deployment presented by graph INT i/p o/p

11 Installing Rnew - Locating placement
Edge-cut-set Find minimum cut Place ACL on the interface closer to source ACL a2 Cut: separate the src and des

12 Installing Rnew - Generating ACL Configuration
Old ACL configuration might fail 1.Before migration (local) 2.After migration

13 Installing Rnew - Generating ACL Configuration
Traffic domain D(L) : all OD pairs path by location, “L”, placed ACL Separate legal and illegal OD pairs in D(L) Scoped, Isolated form : different default permission

14 ACL migration algorithm

15 Evaluation Deriving model parameter(linear programming)
Data flow, communication… Migration benefit calculation Migration strategies Delay V.S Cost Security policy Ex: keep database servers in local data center

16 Evaluation – case 1 Internal request ~80% External request ~20%

17 Evaluation – case 1 CDF: Cumulative Distribution Function

18 Evaluation – case 2

19 Evaluation – case 2 Policy : w/o BE migration

20 Evaluation - summery The optimal migration not only consider the CPU usage and storage, but communication …etc Delay bound consideration Relative size of transaction between different components may determine the optimal strategy Sensitivity to the cost of internet communication

21 Conclusion Benefits of hybrid cloud deployment
Importance and feasibility of migration decision Provide feasible reconfiguration of reachability policies method

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