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An Inquiry Based Research Project

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1 An Inquiry Based Research Project
Teen Social Issues An Inquiry Based Research Project

2 The Purpose In this unit, you will be introduced to research writing while exploring topics related to social issues teens face today. While developing critical thinking and problem solving skills, you will analyze and connect non-fiction text with fiction. You will research a topic of your choice to apply real-world strategies and solutions that address concrete problems.

3 What is Inquiry? Inquiry learning can turn
information into useful knowledge. It stresses skill development and nurtures the development of good habits of mind. So, in other words, if you have a question about something that you are interested in, you should seek answers and understanding!

4 Goals and Objectives of Social Justice Unit
You will create an inquiry based research project on topics directly related to issues teens face in society today. You will create a product to share with your peers, faculty, and parents to teach the background knowledge needed to understand your topic. You will create an annotated bibliography (or works cited) for your project.

5 Essential Questions Why are we researching?
What are our research goals? What do I want to know about this topic? What do I need to know? What do I know already and how do I know it? What might a possible answer be?

6 Project Expectations Where am I going and how will I get there?
We will be reading nonfiction texts related to social justice and social isses as well as the novel “Tears of a Tiger” throughout this research project. Research Assessments: Formative: sub-questions Minor: annotated bibliography Major: presentation of research (multi-media/formal research paper/website etc.)

7 Final product ideas: You may choose to do one of the following for your final product: Power Point Voice thread Research paper Podcast Glogster etc Poster Video presentation

8 Possible issues to research—student input appreciated!
Cyber-bulling/bullying Video game violence/addiction Body image Relationship violence Racism Peer pressure Cultural influences Teen depression/suicide Social media addiction Gang violence

9 Writing an inquiry question
First, pick an issue you would like to research Second, think about the main thing you want to research about this issue. Examples: What are the effects of… How does _____ differ from _____... What are the consequences of… How does the _____ blank affect _____... Third, write your inquiry question at the top of your page, underlining the main issue you will be researching.

10 Sub-topic questions Now that you have your main inquiry question, you must think of three sub-questions that will help you research your issue. To help come up with these questions, use the following steps:

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