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Constitutional Convention & The Great Compromise

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1 Constitutional Convention & The Great Compromise

2 Articles of Confederation Need Work!
Constitutional Convention held in May 1787. Meeting was meant to improve or change the Articles of Confederation. George Washington was elected President of Constitutional Convention. Some wanted a strong central government, and some did not (Patrick Henry--Sons of Liberty).

3 Independence Hall – Philadelphia, PA

4 Inside Independence Hall

5 Definition of Compromise
an agreement reached after both sides give something up in order to get the most of what they really want

6 Virginia Plan Virginia thought that states with large populations should have the most power. The larger the population, the more representation in government! (More populated states should have greater representation in government) (Representatives work to make laws)

7 New Jersey Plan Thought that the legislature should have one house with two representatives no matter the population (Each state should have equal representation. No state should have more power than another based on population)

8 THE GREAT COMPROMISE! Create a TWO House Legislature:
The House of Representatives would have representatives based on Population (435 today) The Senate would have equal representation for all states. Each state will have two Senators (100 total for the U.S. Today) This agreement tried to satisfy the big and small states

9 Roger Sherman – The Great Compromise!

10 3/5ths Compromise – Counting Slaves?
Big Question between North & South South – We want to count our slaves in order to have as many representatives as possible! North – No way – They are not citizens! Compromise: You can count 60% of your slaves, or 3/5ths of the slave population will count towards representation.

11 How does this look? For Example in South Carolina (9,000,000):
5,000,000 people that are not slaves 4,000,000 people that are slaves 4,000,000 x 60% = 2,400,000 South Carolina Population = 7,400,000

12 Slavery in the Constitution?
They would end slave trade in 20 years. This compromise was reached because the Southern states demanded that they needed slavery for their economy. Most believed that this should be a State issue and let the states decide. There is NO mention of slavery in the Constitution--”free persons” “all other persons”

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