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Birds AP Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Birds AP Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds AP Biology

2 American Robin

3 Northern Cardinal

4 Carolina Chickade

5 Tufted Titmouse

6 Carolina Wren

7 Eastern Bluebird

8 Wood Thrush

9 Northern Mockingbird

10 Northern Mockingbird

11 Blue Jay

12 Eastern Towhee

13 Chipping Sparrow

14 Red-winged Blackbird

15 House Finch

16 Common Grackle

17 European Starling

18 American Crow

19 Fish Crow

20 Eastern Wood-Pewee

21 White-breasted Nuthatch

22 Brown-headed Cowbird

23 Song Sparrow

24 American Goldfinch

25 Chimney Swift

26 Chimney Swift

27 Mourning Dove

28 Red-bellied Woodpecker
Click here to see close up of dead red-bellied woodpecker – it’s not pleasant, but it does allow detail of “red” belly and the highly specialized woodpecker tongue

29 Northern Flicker

30 Pileated Woodpecker

31 Ivory-billed Woodpecker – Extinct? Found?

32 Downey Woodpecker

33 Red-headed Woodpecker

34 Red-tailed Hawk

35 Red-tailed Hawk

36 Red-shouldered Hawk

37 Red-shouldered Hawk

38 Osprey

39 Osprey - fishing

40 Bald Eagle

41 Bald Eagle

42 Bald Eagle

43 Bald Eagle - juvenile

44 Black Vulture

45 Turkey Vulture

46 Great-horned Owl

47 Barred Owl

48 Eastern Screech Owl

49 Laughing Gull

50 Herring Gull

51 Killdeer

52 Belted Kingfisher

53 Canada Goose

54 Mallard

55 Wood Duck

56 Wood Duck - female

57 Great Blue Heron

58 Great Egret

59 Common Tern

60 Snowy Egret

61 Cattle Egret

62 Double-crested Cormorant

63 Acadian Flycatcher

64 Great-crested Flycatcher

65 Eastern Kingbird

66 White-eyed Vireo

67 Red-eyed Vireo

68 Tree Swallow

69 Barn Swallow- SANDRINA!!!!!!

70 Brown-headed Nuthatch

71 House Wren

72 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

73 Gray Catbird-sandrina ily!!!

74 Yellow Warbler

75 Prothonotary Warbler

76 Common Yellowthroat

77 Scarlet Tanager

78 Indigo Bunting

79 Orchard Oriole

80 Orchard Oriole – juvenile sandrina is amazing!!!!!!

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