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Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Presenter: PGY: David Hung 洪上祐
Basic information Name: 沈x君之子 Sex: Boy Age: 12 days
Chart Number: 1786OOOO Date of Birth :2016/10/02 Date of Admission:2016/10/14 Ethnicity: Taiwan Data Provider: Family
Chief complaint Abnormal new born screen, susp. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Present illness Term baby, 38+5weeks Born at 大林慈濟H via NSD
Prenatal exman normal But no amniocentesis or Level II sonography Newborn screen (2016/10/05)elevation of 17-OH Progesterone: 24.9嘉基H Rechecked 17-OH Progesterone58 Referred to Dr.蔡孟哲's OPD ACTH 0-46 TT 17OH
Birth history Term, 38+5 weeks, G4P2AA2, NSD Apgar score: 9 --> 10
Birth body weight: 3185gm (25-50th percentile), Birth body length: 49.2cm (50-75th percentile) Now BW: 3.304kg (50th percentage) BL: 51cm (50~75th percentage) Vaccine: HBV(1st)
Physical examination T/P/R: 37.2°C/146/44, BP: 77/54mmHg(10/14 14:40)
Hyperpigmentation of penis and scrotums No ambiguous genitalia 、his testis was both palpable at scrotum
Admission course 檢驗名稱 (單位) 血液 2016-10-15 12:22 WBC(10^3/μL) 14.1
RBC(10^6/μL) 3.50(L) Hb(g/dL) 11.7(L) Hct(%) 34.8(L) MCV(fl) 99.5 MCH(pg) 33.4 MCHC(g/dL) 33.5(L) RDW(%) 15.3 Plt(10^3/μL) 539(H) MPV(fL) 7.6 Blast(%) Pro(%) Myelo(%) Meta(%) 2 Band(%) Seg(%) 58(H) Eos(%) 6(H) Baso(%) 0(L) Mono(%) 12 Lymph(%) 20(L) Aty-lym(%) NRBC(/Count WBCs) 檢驗名稱 (單位) 血液 15:31 pH 7.492(H) PO2(mmHg) 54.5(L) PCO2(mmHg) 30.2(L) BEb(mmol/L) 0.4 BEecf(mmol/L) -0.7 HCO3-(mmol/L) 22.6 %sO2c(%) 90.8 NA(mmol/L) 137.3 micro K(mmol/L) 5.80(H) micro Ca(mmol/L) 1.273 CL(mmol/L) 102.4 檢驗名稱 (單位) 血液 11:43 GLU.A.C.(mg/dL) Na(mmol/L) 133(L) K(mmol/L) 5.4(H)
Clinical Course No weakness, anorexia, vomiting, dehydration, Low BP
Hyponatremia and hyperkalemia
Discharge planning Cortisone 25mg/tab (Cortisone)] 0.1 tab BID
OPD follow up Testosterone, 17p, corticosteroid, Aldosterone, ACTH Cortisol 3.97 ug/dl Testosterone(T.T) 2.34 ng/ml 17-OH Progesterone 64.5 Aldo 849 pg/ml ACTH 230.0 pg/ml
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency
Discussion Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency
6 types: teroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR)、20,22-hydroxylase、3b-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase、17-hydroxylase、21-hydroxylase (Most common)、11b-hydroxylase
Pathophysiology Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
aldosterone ok but have ↑ androgens simple virilizing disease classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency nonclassic disease have relatively mildly elevated levels of androgens. Cortisol deficiency->↑ACTH->adrenocortical hyperplasia ↑ intermediate metabolites. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
Clinical Presentation
Autosomal recessive disorders Clinical severity depends on degree of 21-hydroxylase deficiency Good genotype phenotype correlations Classical CAH(1/ ) Simple Virilizing(25%): Ambiguous genitalia in females Salt Wasting(75%): Dehydration, vomiting and diarrhoea. If untreated can prove fatal Non-classical CAH (1/1000) Milder than classical CAH Androgen excess can cause precocious puberty in either sex Males are often undiagnosed/asymptomatic The severity of congenital adrenal hyperplasia depends on the residual enzyme activity of the least affected allele Simple Virilsing: Prenatal excess androgen production causes virilisation of female foetuses, resulting in ambiguous genitalia. Salt Wasting: Severe aldosterone deficiency causes sodium to be lost from the kidney, colon and sweat glands. Symptoms include dehydration, vomiting and diarrhoea. If untreated can prove fatal Simple virilising; Partial/greatly reduced 21-hydroxylase activity In males, excess androgen production leads to early/precocious virlisation Salt wasting: In around three quarters of individuals, 21-hydroxylase activity is completely abolished which leads to salt wasting. Carrier rate 1 in 50. Other symptoms include short stature due to premature epiphyseal fusion etc 分類(型):由於CYP21基因缺陷的嚴重度不一,可分成三種類型鹽份喪失型 (salt-losing) 缺少2個CYP21基因,因此腎上腺皮質素和留鹽激素的製造不足,患者因留鹽激素缺乏可能在出生後不久(4~15天內)就會出現嘔吐、嗜睡、腹瀉、脫水等症狀。如果沒有適當的治療,即會因電解質和水份的流失,休克而致死。女嬰因受大量雄性素的刺激,所以外生殖器官的特徵有男性化現象,如陰蒂肥大看起來像陰莖,左右陰唇互相連結癒合在一起,像似中空的陰囊。單純男性化型 (simple virilizing) 缺少1個CYP21基因,還有1個CYP21基因,能製造少量的21-羥酵素,但腎上腺皮質素的分泌仍不足,有適量的留鹽激素,所以患孩沒有鈉流失和脫水的現象,不過雄性素的濃度還是很高,所以女嬰的外生殖器官會有程度不一的男性化表徵,例如陰蒂肥大,左右陰唇互相連結等情形。晚發作型 (late onset)CYP21基因缺陷最輕微,腎上腺皮質素和留鹽激素的分泌正常,但雄性素的濃度仍較高,患者出現症狀的期間不一定。 又區分為典型即非典型:鹽分喪失及單純男化形為典型,晚發作型即為非典型。
The 21-Hydroxylase Gene C4A CYP21P C4B CYP21 The 21-hydroxylase (CYP21) gene and its pseudogene (CYP21P) are located at 6p21.3 Analysis of CYP21 is complicated due to the high sequence homology between CYP21 and CYP21P 5% mutant alleles not generated by recombination (97%) deletions; unequal crossing over, point mutations gene conversion where one or more deleterious mutations in CYP21P are transferred to CYP21
Clinical Manifestations
Glucocorticoid Weight loss Weakness Glucose↓ Minerocorticoid (aldosterone) -Anorexia -Vomiting -Dehydration -BP ↓ -Na ↓ -K↑ Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
Clinical Manifestations
Prenatal androgen excess Clitoromegaly Ambiguous genitalia Urogenital sinus precursors 17-hydroxyprogesterone(androstenedione -> testosterone GA 8-10 wk ) labial fusion Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
Clinical Manifestations
Postnatal androgen excess Rapid somatic growth Precocious puberty rapid somatic growth and accelerated skeletal maturation. tall in childhood but premature closure of the epiphyses Muscular development may be excessive. Pubic and axillary hair may appear; and acne and a deep voice may develop. The penis, scrotum, and prostate may become enlarged in affected boys; however, the testes are usually prepubertal in size so that they appear relatively small in contrast to the enlarged penis. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
Clinical manifestations- Age of onset
boys with SW-type 21-OHD detected by the par-ents was significantly younger than those with SV-type (8 days vs. 4.5 years; p < 0.01). The situationwas similar for girls. However, boys were detectedat a later age than girls for both SW- and SV-type21-OHD. J Formos Med Assoc. 2010 Feb;109(2):
Clinical manifestations-Common symptoms in pre-screening era
SW-type 21-OHD Dehydration Poor feeding Failure to thrive Clitoromegaly Ambiguous genitalia Boys with SV-type 21-OHD Rapid growth Tall stature Advanced bone age Girls with SV-type 21-OHD Clitoromegaly SW-type 21-OHD were dehydration, poor feeding, and failure to thrive, and the most frequent initial clinical manifestations in girls with SW-type were clitoromegaly, dehydra-tion, and ambiguous genitalia. Conversely, the most frequent clinical manifestations of boys with SV-type 21-OHD were rapid growth, tall stature, and advanced bone age, whereas the most frequent initial clinical manifestations in girls with SV- type were clitoromegaly and advanced bone age. J Formos Med Assoc. 2010 Feb;109(2):
Laboratory Findings lab Salt lossing Virilizing Na ↓ N K ↑ pH Glucose
Cortisol androstenedione and testosterone ACTH 17-OHP Corticotropin (ACTH) levels are elevated but have no diagnostic utility over 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels. ↑ 17-hydroxyprogesterone (But high during the first 2-3 days) Cortisol ↓ salt-losing type. Normal simple virilizing type but inappropriately low in relation to the ACTH and 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels. salt-losing disease ↓ Na , ↑ K, ↓ pH, ↓ glucose (1-2 wk) androstenedione and testosterone ↑ females; normal infant males >childhood. 17-OHP before and 30 or 60 min after an IV bolus of mg of cosyntropin (ACTH 1-24). 100ng/ml Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment
late 1st trimester or 2nd trimester with an affected child (chorionic villi sampling or aminocentesis) Dexamethasone(DEX) since GA 6 wks determine the sex and genotype of the fetus affected females keep till birth affected males no need of treatment dexamethasone (20 μg/kg prepregnancy maternal weight BID TID) 6 wk Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
Newborn Screening 17-hydroxyprogesterone
Positive->additional testing (electrolytes and repeat 17-hydroxyprogesterone) at 2 wk. 國內自89年(2000)7月開始於新生兒篩檢中增列先天性腎上腺增生症 Nonclassic form not reliably detected by newborn screening, but of little clinical significance Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
Treatment Glucocorticoid replacement classic mg/m2/24 hr of hydrocortisone TID nonclassic not necessary Mineralocorticoid replacement Infants fludrocortisone mg BID + sodium supplementation (1-3 g) -> children mg daily Surgical management of ambiguous genitalia Stress dose(illness, surgery or trauma): normal dose x2 or 3 In general, desirable 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels are in the high normal range or several times normal; low-normal levels can usually be achieved only with excessive glucocorticoid doses. GLUCOCORTICOID REPLACEMENT classic mg/m2/24 hr of hydrocortisone (maintain linear growth along percentile lines Pubertal development skeletal maturation 17-hydroxyprogesterone and androstenedione) TID Stress: x2 or 3 simple virilizing disease (delayed diagnosis): spontaneous gonadotropin-dependent puberty (superimposed true precocious puberty gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone analogue) Nonclassic not necessary adrenal rest testicular tumors (↓if steroid dosage ↑ MRI echo) MINERALOCORTICOID REPLACEMENT fludrocortisone Infants mg BID + sodium supplementation (1-3 g) -> children mg daily vital signs; tachycardia and hypertension electrolytes Plasma renin activity SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF AMBIGUOUS GENITALIA (4-12 mo ) Testis-sparing surgery for steroid-unresponsive tumors Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
Take home massage Classic CAH due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency can be classified into salt wasting type which includes electrolytes and simple virilizing type which presents with rapid growth and precocious puberty. Diagnosis rely on 17-OHP, ACTH, T.T., electrolytes. Management by Cortisone and Flurinef Newborn screen can avoid delayed diagnosis and adrenal crisis. Prenatal genetic screening can prevent female genital virilization by early treament with dexamethasone and also prevent unnecessary exposure to dexamethasone of males.
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