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Status of Construction Projects
Lodi Unified School District Status of Construction Projects Board of Education Meeting July 6, 2010 Prepared by: Douglas Barge Art Hand Carrie Hargis Y:\Business Services\Budget\ \Adjusted\Meetings\B \B District Construction Projects Status.ppt
Opening Comments Periodically staff reports to the Board on the financial activity of the District construction program This report will provide recommendations resolving identified funding needs and for moving forward on a variety of projects This report will also provide an update on the status of construction budgeting since the last construction report (Fall 2008) for: Measure K Measure L Development Fee Fund State Construction Funds 1 4
Problem Statement With the ramping down of Measure “K” resources, use of the “Waterfall” concept is becoming more challenging Bills must be paid with cash, I.O.U.’s from the State will not be sufficient for contractors State has not been timely with payments on past projects Economic climate has affected the original Measure “L” timelines and strategy Future borrowing must be backed up with solid repayment funding resources to bring in investors at the lowest possible interest rates Now that some State funding has arrived, funds temporarily borrowed from other projects must be returned to original projects 2 5
Measure “K” Bonds Waterfall #8 ii 6
Moving to the Pond is Working
CAPITAL FACILITIES MEASURE “K” - Series #1-3 $109,000,000 STATE 3 7
Measure “K” - Review Many of the projects in Measure “K” have been completed Any remaining funds not required to close out the projects can now be redistributed to other projects The first step in this process is to cover any projects that have exceeded their original allocations Next is to move the remaining resources to the unallocated account within the fund for future allocation Appendix has the details of this evaluation and proposed reallocations 4
Current Measure “K” Balances
Developer Fees State Project Description Measure “K” Total A. Lodi High Modernization $3,763,190 $3,763,190 B. Lockeford Addition 1,855,627 1,855,627 C. Lodi High Addition 1,249,880 1,249,880 D. McNair 699,408 $2,233,043 2,932,451 E. Elkhorn Modernization 258,674 258,674 F. Lodi Middle Modernization 235,688 235,688 G. Unallocated 225,539 225,539 H. Total $8,288,006 $2,233,043 $10,521,049 5 9
Future Measure “K” Projects
Project Description Measure “K” Realignment Total I. Modernization A. Elkhorn $258,674 $341,326 $600,000 B. Lodi High 3,763,190 (3,763,190) * C. Lodi Middle 235,688 (235,688) D. Tokay Colony 360,000 360,000 E. Live Oak 260,000 260,000 F. Total Modernization $4,257,552 ($3,037,552) $1,220,000 II. Renovations A. Lodi High $250,000 $250,000 B. Lodi Middle 750,000 750,000 C. Vinewood 550,000 * 550,000 D. Lakewood 550,000 550,000 E Total Renovations $ 0 $2,100,000 $2,100,000 * Budget transfer has been previously submitted to Board of Education to implement all or a portion of the realignment. 6 10
Future Measure “K” Projects
Project Description Measure “K” Realignment Total III. Additions A. Lockeford $1,855,627 $1,144,373 $3,000,000 * B. Lodi High 1,249,880 (1,249,880) * C Total Additions $3,105,507 ($105,507) $3,000,000 IV. Other Projects A. Playground Equip. Replace. $275,000 * $275,000 B. Cafeteria Upgrades 600,000 * 600,000 C. McNair $699,408 592 700,000 D. Unallocated 225,539 167,467 393,006 E Total Other Projects $924,947 $1,043,059 $1,968,006 V. Total Projects $8,288,006 $0 $8,288,006 * Budget transfer has been previously submitted to Board of Education to implement all or a portion of the realignment. 7 11
Measure “L” Bonds Waterfall #1 iii 12
Using the Waterfall as a Strategy
CAPITAL FACILITIES MEASURE “L” - Series #1 $50,000,000 STATE 8 13
Current Measure “L” Projects
Project Description Measure “L” Realignments Total A. Podesta $4,944,407 ($4,944,407) $0 B. Bear Creek Phase II 2,537,209 (2,537,209) * C. Future K-6 D 964,580 1,035,420 2,000,000 D. Academy High 23,643 1,976,357 * 2,000,000 E. Morada ERP 9,327 (9,327) F. Safety Projects 8,780 1,691,220 * 1,700,000 G. Playground 300,000 * 300,000 H. Unallocated 9,080,227 2,487,946 11,568,173 I. Total $17,568,173 $0 $17,568,173 * Budget transfer has been previously submitted to Board of Education to implement all or a portion of the realignment. 9 14
MEASURE “L” CONSTRUCTION Summary of Future Bond Series
Description Costs Measure L State Dev. Fees A. NEXT SERIES OF BONDS 1. K-8 School 2. Academy 3. Safety 4. Reserves 5. Total 2nd Series $29,750,000 23,900,000 1,800,000 (4,517,500) $50,932,500 $19,981,000 11,300,000 1,800,000 (4,517,500) $28,563,500 $9,769,000 6,000,000 $15,769,000 $6,600,000 Art 10 15
MEASURE “L” CONSTRUCTION Summary of Future Bond Series (cont.)
Description Costs Measure L State Other B. FINAL SERIES OF BONDS 1. Middle School 2. Elementary School 3. Total Final Series $38,976,000 28,161,000 $67,137,000 $20,360,000 15,076,500 $35,436,500 $12,016,000 8,434,500 $20,450,500 $6,600,000 4,650,000 $11,250,000 * * C. TOTAL FUTURE MEASURE “L” $118,069,500 $64,000,000 $36,219,500 Doug $17,850,000 * May include Developer Fee Credits 11 16
Temporary Budget “Borrowing” & Cash
Current Status iv 17
Temporary Budget Borrowing Measure “K”
Project Description From To Total A. Lawrence Addition ($375,120) ($375,120) B. Lockeford Addition (444,711) (444,711) C. Gantner K-6 $819,831 819,831 D. Bear Creek Addition (139,754) (139,754) E. Unallocated (150,000) (150,000) F. Lodi High Addition 289,754 289,754 G. Total ($1,109,585) $1,109,585 $ 0 12 18
Temporary Budget Borrowing Measure “L”
Project Description From To Total A. Morada Science $ (165,000) $ (165,000) B. Morada ERP #1 $ 165,000 165,000 C. Sch Fac Imp Dist Safety (228,494) (228,494) D. Morada ERP #2 228,494 228,494 E. Delta Sierra Science (438,426) (438,426) F. Morada ERP #3 438,426 438,426 13 19
Temporary Budget Borrowing Measure “L” - continued
Project Description From To Total G. Unallocated $ (339,825) $ (339,825) H. Future Elem F (569,534) (569,534) I. Delta Sierra Science $ 909,359 909,359 J. Unallocated (360,291) (360,291) K. Future Elem F (639,709) (639,709) L. Morada Science 1,000,000 1,000,000 M. Unallocated (3,502,047) (3,502,047) N. Delta Sierra Science (1,000,000) (1,000,000) O. Morada Science (1,000,000) (1,000,000) P. Podesta Ranch 5,502,047 * 5,502,047 *Current Waterfall of State funds re-pays these temporary borrowings. 14 20
Temporary Budget Borrowing Measure “L” - continued
Project Description From To Total Q. Unallocated $ (1,547,530) $ (1,547,530) R. Future Elem D (860,615) (860,615) S. Future Elem F $ 2,408,145 2,408,145 T. Future Elem D (2,447,305) (2,447,305) U. Future Middle #1 2,447,305 2,447,305 V. Future Elem D (926,053) (926,053) W. Future Elem F (2,963,257) (2,963,257) X. BCHS Addition Phase II 3,889,310 * 3,889,310 *Current Waterfall of State funds re-pays these temporary borrowings. 15 21
Temporary Budget Borrowing Measure “L” - continued
Project Description From To Total Y. Unallocated (105,978) (105,978) Z. Sanctuary High (1,200) (1,200) AA. Sanctuary Elem 107,178 107,178 AB. Unallocated (52,760) (52,760) AC. Sanctuary High School 52,760 52,760 AD. TOTAL $ (17,148,024) $ 17,148,024 $ - 16 22
Current Cash Measure “K” Measure “L” State School Building Fund
Fund Description Amount Measure “K” Measure “L” State School Building Fund Development Fees Deferred Maintenance Fund Special Reserve Fund Total Cash in Building Funds $10,964,732 2,743,994 20,979,301 4,357,501 1,525,351 7,712,067 $48,282,946 17 23
Special Reserve Fund (Capital Projects Fund)
Special Reserve Fund Construction
Lincoln Bonds State QZAB Debt $5,000,000 Measure “K” $2,000,000 Special Reserve $3,000,000 Other Sources reserved in the Special Reserve Fund (40): Deferred Maintenance Development Fees State Interest Earnings $1,000,000 ($1,000,000) Repayment $5,000,000 Projects 18
Future State Funds vi 26
Future State Funds CDE DSA Funding *Funds received 6/8/10. Project Yes
Pending April 2010 February 2010 October 2010 a. Delta Sierra Science b. Lockeford Addition c. Lodi High Mod d. Lodi High Addition e. Morada Science f. Tokay HS Rehab* g. Tokay HS Science A h. Elkhorn Mod Art *Funds received 6/8/10. 19 27
Recommendations & Next Steps
vii 28
Recommendations In recognition of the natural evolution for the Measure “K” Construction Program, all future project approvals will include: District will discontinue use of the “Waterfall” strategy A financial plan included in the documentation requesting approval A cash flow plan showing that cash will be available to support the project before there is a demand for the cash Continue with Waterfall strategy for Measure “L” and realign resources to the projects outlined in this report Staff Recommends changes to the construction program as outlined in this report to cover cash needs pending receipt of State funding 20 29
The End viii 30
Appendix Measure “K” Detail A1 – A2 Measure “L” Detail B1
Description Page Measure “K” Detail Measure “L” Detail Summary of State Projects State Funds Payment & Transfers A1 – A2 B1 C1 D1 – D2 ix 31
Measure “K” – Waterfall #8
Measure “K” – Waterfall #8 (cont.)
Measure “L” – Waterfall #1
Art B1 34
Summary of State Projects
Podesta Ranch – State Funds Payment & Transfers
Bear Creek HS Phase II – State Funds Payment & Transfers
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