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Macro analysis PESTLE Part 2

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1 Macro analysis PESTLE Part 2
Lesson 3 Macro analysis PESTLE Part 2

2 Marketing Environment The Technical Environment
There is a need to distinguish between high/HI tech and low tech High tech is technology in the widest sense Lo tech is functional eg the Clockwork Radio. Rate of Change/Innovation

3 Marketing Environment The Legal Environment
Legal = Regulatory framework Concentrating on the aspects that directly relate to the marketing / commercial activities of an organisation To start - what are the regulatory areas that you are concerned with?

4 The Legal Environment Laws versus Regulation The law is an ass! =
Regulation is flexible and quick !! And has the threat of law RELATED TOPIC CONSUMER LOBBYING

5 The Law making process Parliamentary process
The Queens’ Speech Green Paper - general view point - Conference Pledges White Paper - Statement of Intent Draft BILL 1st reading 2nd reading Committee Stage (amended) Report Stage 3rd Reading- Both Houses Royal Assent = ACT Interpretation of Law = Case Law

6 Specific Laws PLUS …. Companies Act 1985 Trade Descriptions Act 1968
Consumer Credit Act 1974 Sale of Goods Act 1979 Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982 Consumer Protection Act 1987 Data Protection Act 1984 (1987) Equal Pay Act 1970 (1983) PLUS ….

7 Key Legislation Areas for Businesses
Criminal Law Employment Law Consumer/Competition Laws Company Law Contract Law European Rulings

8 PLUS Patents Health and Safety Finance Act

9 The Regulatory Environment
Two main aspects Government made law UK European International conventions Self regulation Industry Professional

10 The Regulatory Environment
The four Ps (four Cs) approach Product - Liability Trademarks Trade Descriptions Price - Unit pricing Resale Price Maintenance Place - arrangements with distributors - Silhouette Cartels Promotion - Trade Descriptions Act, Advertising Issues

11 Codes of Ethics AMA CIM CBI

12 Encouraging Environmental Concern
Government actions Supply chain pressures External pressures Self regulation

13 What is the relevance of social responsibility for the following
Confectionery manufacturer Oil company Car manufacturer Furniture retailer Mobile phone operator Supermarket operator

14 Social Criticisms of Marketing
High prices High costs of distribution High advertising/promotional costs Excessive mark ups Deceptive practices misleading advertising High - pressure selling Shoddy / unsafe products Planned / inbuilt obsolescence Penalising the disadvantaged

15 Marketing’s impact on society
Encouraging materialism Imbalance between private and public goods - social goods BUPA versus NHS Cultural pollution Abuse of industry power

16 Consumers’ rights Information Protection Safety Heard KENNEDY

17 VISA / Scottish Widows/ Holiday Inn, Law Society Ed, Excel, CIM
Homework Obtain company report for a blue chip Find out at least three mission statements What type of organisations are these? VISA / Scottish Widows/ Holiday Inn, Law Society Ed, Excel, CIM Explain the potential marketing advantages possessed by a small business compared to a public limited company.USE A POINTS FORMAT NEWS

18 Stakeholders Internal Connected External

19 Internal Stakeholders
Employees Managers Owners / shareholders

20 Connected Stakeholders
Shareholders - again! Customers Suppliers Creditors Distributors Partners - Joint Ventures

21 External Stakeholders
‘Government’ - local - central - supra national Regulatory authorities Local communities Media Environmental / pressure groups Financial Institutions Competition??

22 Stakeholder analysis Seven Steps
Which publics are important to the organisation’s operations Are they increasing or decreasing in importance? Strength of relationships Impact of corporate actions/operations on the publics

23 What actual/potential impact could they have on the organisation?
What are the interests/motivations of each public group Which publics pose a threat and which an opportunity

24 Stakeholder issues Recognising the issues that the organisation faces in terms of stakeholders

25 Stakeholder relationships
How to you measure them? Leverage! Porters Five Forces Relationship Marketing What is the ideal relationship

26 Stakeholders Motivations
Employees How they are treated What do they want? United Biscuits Policy? Managers?

27 Customers Suppliers What do they want? Depends upon the involvement?
Do they want a relationship? Suppliers

28 Community Government Competitors Definition of social responsibility
Environmental impact Heathrow MacDonalds Builders Government Competitors

What are ethics? Accepted code of behaviour A set of standards - business and personal Dealing sensibly with STAKEHOLDERS (publics) The Human Side of Business

30 Socio Economic Groupings
ABC1C2DE A Upper middle class - Senior managers and senior professionals 3% B Middle class - professionals and managers - Higher Education 10% C1 Lower middle class - Junior managers / white collar workers 24% C2 Skilled working class - plumbers electricians etc 30% D Working class - semi-skilled / unskilles manual workers E Unemployed / pensioners (on state pensions)

31 Other classifications
ACORN MOSAIC Psychographic/ behavioural Family life styles Value groups Lifestyle New Social Order

32 Culture Ideological system Technological system Organisational system Cultures are supranational

33 The natural environment and marketing
Role of environmental groups Social responsibility Greenhouse effect Impact on politicians Ageing population Family Life Cycle

34 Sources and Methods Sources Methods Primary data Secondary data
Market Research techniques Surveys Focus Groups Environmental scanning

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