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Early Russia.

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1 Early Russia

2 Russia’s Birth In AD Kiev was settled by the Slavs along the Dnieper River allowing trade with Constantinople

3 Vikings and Slavs Slavs- original inhabitants of Russia
At first, Vikings sold the Slavs (origin of the word slave) Later, Viking nobles (boyars) intermarried and adopted Slavic culture

4 Vladimir converts Vladimir came into power in Kiev (Rus)

5 Vladimir & Russia Convert to Eastern Christianity (Orthodox)
Vladimir sent expeditions to look at all major religions He was impressed with the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople Vladimir converted to Christianity (Greek Orthodox) He ordered a mass baptism in the Dnieper River in 989

6 Yaroslav the Wise Yaroslav issued the first code of laws for Kiev (focused on property)

7 Mongol Invasion Invaded from the East and ruled all of Southern Russia

8 Ivan III and the “Third Rome”
Took title “czar” which is the Russia form of Caesar Ivan IV will be known as the “First Czar of Russia” Claimed Russia to be the Third Rome

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