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Spirit of the lord.

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Presentation on theme: "Spirit of the lord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spirit of the lord

2 12th January Baptism of the Lord YR A

3 Gospel: Matthew Ch. 3: 13 – 17

4 Two important men: John Jesus

5 The place: the river Jordan

6 John as we know was already baptizing those who came to him, repented of their sins and were baptized.

7 All of a sudden, came an important person to be baptised; this person (Jesus) did not need to be baptized but He insisted.

8 So John baptized Jesus and suddenly: V…16

9 Why did Jesus insist to be baptized?

10 There was a problem between John and Jesus; what was the problem, why?

11 Why did John refuse to baptise Jesus?

12 Once Jesus received baptism,
his life changed from a carpenter at Nazareth to a preacher of the kingdom.

13 For a time the heavens were closed to us then suddenly they were opened.

14 Salvation came through Jesus
Salvation came through Jesus. He humbled Himself became a sinner, in fact

15 He took all the sins of the world, He became man, suffered, died for us to save all humanity.

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