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Presentation on theme: "Epithelium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epithelium

2 Simple Squamous Diffusion and Filtration, lungs, walls of capillaries and vessels

3 Simple Cuboidal Secretion and Absorptionglands, kidney tubules, ovaries

4 Simple Columnar Absorptionlines the uterus and most organs of the digestive tract

5 Pseudostratified columnar removing dust and particles from airways, has cilialines the respiratory passageways

6 Stratified Squamous Protects underlying cellsskin(keratinized) and the throat, vagina, mouth (soft)

7 Stratified Cuboidal Protectionlines ducts of the mammary glands, sweat glands, pancreas

8 Stratified Columnar Protection, secretionmale urethra and vas deferens, parts of the pharynx

9 Transitional (unstretched) Specialized to become distended, urinary tract

10 Transitional (unstretched) Specialized to become  NOT distended, urinary tract

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