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Footer Text 11/30/2018.

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1 Footer Text 11/30/2018

2 Factors that shape public opinion:
Chapter 8/9 What is public opinion? Attitudes, beliefs held by a significant number of persons on matters of gov’t or public person or issue. What is public affairs? Includes politics, public issues, public policy, issues that concern people at large Factors that shape public opinion: (Agents of Political Socialization - learning about values, beliefs, and processes that underlie a political system in order to participate in it effectively) Process by which people gain their political identity. NO DEMOCRACY could survive if its citizens did not share some fundamental beliefs about how their government should operate. Footer Text 11/30/2018

3 Agents of Socialization
Chapter 8/9 Agents of Socialization Family - children see through the political world through the family’s eyes; from what their parents say, Stories from siblings and at school, watching TV Schools - train students to become “GOOD CITIZENS”. Children salute the flag, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, sing patriotic songs, learn about George Washington, MLK Religion - religious teachings help shape political values Opinion Leaders - any person who has more than a usual influence on the views of others. Many hold public office, prominent business, agriculture, broadcast views on radio, newspapers, TV. Hold professional occupations such as doctor, lawyers, ministers, etc. Mass Media - TV, radio, film, books, magazines, newspapers - influence the formations of public opinion. Mix of Factors - peer groups (friends, classmates, neighbors), Historic Events (depression, assassination JFK, Vietnam War, Watergate, Resignation of Nixon, war in Iraq Footer Text 11/30/2018

4 1.GUIDES leaders as they make decisions about public policy
Chapter 8/9 Public Opinion is shaped by interest groups, journalists, politicians, and other opinion makers. Public Opinion serves our democratic system of government in 3 key ways. 1.GUIDES leaders as they make decisions about public policy 2. Serves as a GUARD against hasty or poorly understood decisions 3. Serves as a kind of GLUE in a diverse society. Americans have a widespread agreement on basic political beliefs that hold our society together. Footer Text 11/30/2018

5 Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion
Chapter 8/9 Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constituency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

6 Chapter 8/9 Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

7 Conducting a Scientific Poll 1. Define universe or target population
Chapter 8/9 Conducting a Scientific Poll 1. Define universe or target population 2. Construct a random sample 3. Prepare valid questions. Select and control the means by which the poll will be taken. 5. Report findings to the public. Margin of Error - indicates how accurate the sample surveyed reflects the views of the target population. Usually 3-5%. Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

8 2 Shortcomings for polling
Chapter 8/9 2 Shortcomings for polling Having difficulty measuring INTENSITY (strength or feeling of opinion), STABILITY (permanence or change ability of opinion), RELEVANCE (how important particular opinion is to person who holds it) of opinions they report AND Said to shape the opinions they are suppose to measure. Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

9 Chapter 8/9 3 kinds of polls used Benchmark poll - used by prospective candidates to “test the waters” before beginning a campaign. Candidates use information from such polls to IDENTIFY which messages to emphasize in their campaigns and which to avoid. Tracking poll - conducted during a campaign to measure support for the candidate on a day to day basis. Exit poll - used by campaign and news media to predict the winners on election day long before the polls are closed. It is a survey taken by voters who have cast their vote and are leaving their polling place. Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

10 Medium - means of communication; transmits some kind of information.
Chapter 8/9 Section 3 Medium - means of communication; transmits some kind of information. Types of Mass Media TV, Newspapers, Radio Magazines, Internet, etc. Role of Free Press in a Democracy 1. Serve as a watchdog over the gov’t 2. Setting the public agenda 3. Supporting the free exchange of ideas, information, and opinions. Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

11 On the record = the reporter can quote the public official by name
Chapter 8/9 Politicians try to influence the press by granting interviews to reporters. On the record = the reporter can quote the public official by name Off the record = the reporter can use the information but may NOT reveal the source. Spin - Convince both reporters and the public that their view of events is the correct one. Sound bites - Capture their main points in just a few seconds Leak - is an Off the record conversation that is unofficially releasing confidential information to the media Reasons: expose wrongdoing stir up support for or against something Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

12 Bias in the media...of course
Chapter 8/9 Bias in the media...of course Journalists look at many factors when choosing a story: 1. Impact - will it touch people in some way 2. Conflict - crime, scandal, fight, disaster etc. 3. Novelty - is it a hot topic or news breaking event 4. Familiarity - story involve people we all know, find interesting Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

13 Propaganda or Persuasive Techniques using in the Media
Chapter 8/9 Propaganda or Persuasive Techniques using in the Media 1. Mudslinging or Name calling - using personal attacks on an opponent to distract voters from real issues 2. Transfer - using symbols or images that evoke emotion to something unrelated 3. Bandwagon - Creating an impression that EVERYONE supports a cause or candidate 4. Plain Folks - using every day images and language to show that the candidate is a regular person who understand the needs and concerns of the common people. 5. Testimonial - having a well known celebrity or personality endorse a candidate or proposal. 6. Card Stacking - Presenting facts, statistics, and other evidence that support only one side of an argument 7. Glittering Generalities - use vague statements to appeal to voters emotionally but don’t actually say much of anything specific. 8. Contrast Ad - juxtaposing positive images of one’s candidacy with negative images of the opponent in the same ad. Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

14 Chapter 9 - Interest Groups, Section 1
Interest group - private organization that tries to persuade public officials to respond to the shared attitudes of its members, influence policy Political Parties - nominate candidates for office, concerned with winning elections and controlling government, concerned with whole range of public affairs that would concern the voter, must be accountable to the citizens Functions of an interest group 1. Stimulate interest in public affairs 2. Represent groups of people who share attitudes 3. Provide useful, detailed information to government officials 4. Are vehicles for effective political participation 5. Important element in the system of checks and balances Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

15 Criticisms of an interest group
Chapter 8/9 Criticisms of an interest group 1. Influence far out of proportion to their size or importance 2. Difficult to tell how many people the group truly represents 3. Tactics used can destroy the American political system = bribes Types of Interest Groups 1. Business Groups 2. Labor Unions 3. Agricultural Groups 4. Professional Groups See Graphic Organizer Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

16 Goals of the Interest Groups
Chapter 8/9 Goals of the Interest Groups Influence political parties and elections often by the use of PACs or Lobbying Lobbying - individuals who try to influence legislation by presenting expert testimony, using mass media, shapes the way legislation is enforced and interpreted 2. Supply the public with information that supports groups’ interests 3. Build a positive image for the group 4. Create public attitudes by using propaganda 5. Promote a particular public policy 6. Influence public opinIon Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

17 Stategies for Influencing Government
Chapter 8/9 Stategies for Influencing Government Inform public and elected officials about issues that matter to the group 2. Donate money to political campaigns in exchange for support by the candidate 3. Endorse a candidate running for office and suggest that group’s members vote for him and her. Section 2 - Measuring Public Opinion Public Policy is a reflection of public opinion Mandate - instructions or commands a constitutency gives to its elected official concerning policies Interest groups - private organization that tries to influence public policy Public Opinion Poll - a formal survey of public attitudes Universe or Target Population - whole population that poll aims to measure Straw Vote - unscientific measurement of public opinion; informal survey of opinion conducted by a show of hands or some other means of counting. Sample - scientific polling, small number of people chosen as a representative, cross-section of total population to be surveyed. Random Sample - scientific polling to be interviewed drawn such that each member of population has an equal chance to be included in it. Quota Sample - scientific polling - a group chosen to be interviewed in which the members of each of several groups are included in proportion to their percentage in the total population. Footer Text 11/30/2018

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