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8th Grade IB Community Projects

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade IB Community Projects"— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade IB Community Projects
Final Presentation Preparation

2 May :30 to 3:30 Presentation Day

3 Submissions to Supervisors
By April 22, all of the following should be completed on your Google Site By April 22, submit the following on paper Approved Project Proposal (p. 15) 8 Process Journals (p. 7) Pictures of your service Documented research Community Service Hour Log (p. 9-10) 10 documented hours Complete information Student Academic Honesty Statement signed

4 IB MYP Guidelines for Presentations
The culmination of the Community Project is a presentation delivered to an audience. Individual student presentations: 6 to 10 minutes Partner presentations: 10 to 14 minutes with each student having the opportunity to speak A question and answer session may follow the presentation, but the information delivered will NOT be assessed or used to adjust the achievement levels for the presentation IB MYP Guidelines for Presentations

5 Format of the Presentation
Electronic presentation using a format such as Google Slides, Power Point, Prezi, or Emaze Approximately four 8th graders in a room presenting to a small audience of various IB 6th and 7th graders and a staff member Parents of the 8th graders presenting in the room may attend The staff member in the room will assess the presentation Format of the Presentation

6 Content of the Presentation
Address the following bullets in this order: Explain your goal to address a need within a community. How was this goal highly challenging for you? Explain the research you conducted that identified this need in the community. How did you contribute towards addressing the need in the community? What were your actions? How has completing the project extended your knowledge and understanding of service learning? Reflect upon your development of Approaches to Learning skills . Reflect upon your development as an IB learner. Content of the Presentation

7 Presentation Tips Show pictures of yourself in action
Answer all of the questions on the previous slide Familiarize yourself with Criterion D to see how you will be assessed Show excitement for the project you chose! Practice! Presentation Tips

8 All four Criterions will be averaged together to receive a final score.
The final score will count in your ELA class and Tech Systems. This means the grade you receive will count twice. Your Supervisor scores you for Criterions A, B, C. A different teacher will score you for Criterion D based on the information you deliver in your presentation only. Grading

9 Friday, May 20 Presentations: 2:30 to 3:30 Celebration: 3:30 to 3:50
Parents may attend both

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