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WWII Home front USH-7.2.

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1 WWII Home front USH-7.2

2 I. Mobilization WWII was a total war
Every aspect of life was affected by the war & war effort FDR urged companies to make war goods BEFORE Pearl Harbor Gov’t managed economy Allocation of resources Controlling wages and prices

3 I. Mobilization Victory gardens were planted to help Rationing
Gov’t gave out ration books to be sure that scarce resources were not wasted Paid for the war using War bonds Tax increases

4 I. Mobilization White men were wanted for the military so minorities worked in war industries Rosie the Riveter A. Philip Randolph was an AA leader that wanted more equality for AA FDR issued an executive order to make sure Mexicans were welcomed b/c they replaced farmers who had been drafted

5 II. Helping the Allies Cash and Carry Part of Neutrality Act of 1939
The US would sell war material to fighting nations Mostly the Allies Had to pay in cash Had to transport it themselves Really only helped England b/c they were the only one’s left Did help Japan and Italy too

6 II. Helping the Allies Lend-Lease Act
War materiel was given to the Allies Instead of paying cash, Allies allowed the US to set up military bases in their territory When the war was over they were supposed to give it back

7 II. Helping the Allies C Destroyers for Bases 1. Roosevelt’s Compromise a. couldn’t sell G.B. U.S. destroyers (violate Neutrality Acts) 2. Trades 50 old US destroyers for rights to have military bases on British Islands in the Caribbean

8 III. Discrimination AA served in segregated units Zoot Suit Riots
German POWs in Walterboro were treated better than the Tuskegee Airmen trainees Zoot Suit Riots Mexican Americans in LA were attacked b/c their clothes were “un-American”

9 III. Discrimination After Pearl Harbor, FDR wants to deal with Japanese in the US Japanese and Japanese Americans were placed in interment camps in the desert No trials or convictions Had to sell their property Supreme Court upheld this as a safety precaution

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