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Final Review Reading English with Awareness E Level

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1 Final Review Reading English with Awareness E Level
Section A Reading English with Awareness E Level Coordinator: Gail Shuster-Bouskila Get out the main “Study” sections and reuse them for review Open University of Israel © 2012

2 מטרות הקורס: קריאה מודעת
הקניית מיומנות בקריאה יעילה הרחבת אוצר מילים חזרה על דקדוק שימושי ומבנים לשוניים תרגול באסטרטגיות קריאה

3 Before You Read Getting the Main Idea
Scanning for Dates Scanning Sub-headings, Pictures, Captions Reading First and Last Paragraph Reading First Sentence of Each Paragraph  Stop and Think – Do you understand what you have read? Using your dictionary carefully Drawing Conclusions Applying What You Know

4 Phrasal Verbs פועל צמוד מילת יחס ( phrasal verbs)
מילות יחס המופיעות לצד פעלים ומשנות את משמעות הפעלים בהתאם למילת היחס המסוימת. in, out, on, down, against, back ) ( לדוגמה: The media publicized this problem, and the public began to turn against the wolf. חשוב מאוד לבדוק במילון את הפועל יחד עם מילת היחס Go to and then to Oxford Learners ONLINE and Phrasal verbs site: Workbook page

5 Exercise מה חסר? The plants _________ to the mountain’s soil.
passed on, worked in, hold on, looks back, turned against The plants _________ to the mountain’s soil. The feminists __________ Barbie. The mosquitoes __________ the disease to the native birds.. Durrell __________ many different places. The doctor always __________ at the patient’s records and tests to make a diagnosis. Answers on next slide

6 Exercise מה חסר? The plants _________ to the mountain’s soil.
passed on, worked in, hold on, looks back, turned against The plants _________ to the mountain’s soil. The feminists __________ Barbie. The mosquitoes __________ the disease to the native birds.. Durrell __________ many different places. The doctor always __________ at the patient’s records and tests to make a diagnosis. hold on turned against passed on worked in looks back

7 Negative Prefixes פירושה של התחילית   in-, un-הוא שלילי או ההפך מהמילה המקורית. דוגמאות: Popular > unpopular Realistic > unrealistic Professionally > unprofessionally Accurate > inaccurate Expensive > inexpensive Workbook page 19 and more on page 313

8 Adjective endings -ful; -less
סופיות שמות תואר -ful או -less. סופית ful מצביעה על כך שמשהו נמצא הסופית -less מצביעה על כך שמשהו חסר, איננו. A number of species of flightless geese could live on the forest floor. He was very careful when he crossed the street. Workbook page 88 and more on page 314

9 Exercise a. helpful, b. useful, c. thankful, d. useless, e. hopeless
Answers on next slide a. helpful, b. useful, c. thankful, d. useless, e. hopeless The online student was confused and felt _______________ about the exam. It would be quite ___________ if the farmers would accept the wolves in their area. The doctor didn’t believe in homeopathy, so it was ____________ to ask her for a remedy. The students were ________________ when the exam was over. Awareness of the dark side of the Internet is very __________ when checking sites.

10 Exercise a. helpful, b. useful, c. thankful, d. useless, e. hopeless
The online student was confused and felt _______________ about the exam. It would be quite ___________ if the farmers would accept the wolves in their area. The doctor didn’t believe in homeopathy, so it was ____________ to ask her for a remedy. The students were ________________ when the exam was over. Awareness of the dark side of the Internet is very __________ when checking sites. hopeless helpful useless thankful useful

11 Reference Words במקום לחזור על המילה שהיא נושא או נשוא המשפט, מקובל להשתמש בכינוי גוף המתייחס למילה. I \ You \ he / she / it יחיד We \ you \ they רבים לדוגמא : Students don’t have to worry about finding a course that meets at a certain time on a certain day. And they don't have to worry about parking! Workbook pages

12 Reference Words במקום לחזור על המילה שהיא נושא או נשוא המשפט, מקובל להשתמש בכינוי גוף המתייחס למילה. I \ You \ he / she / it יחיד We \ you \ they רבים כינוי הגוף this מתייחס בדרך כלל לרעיון שלם המובע ביותר ממילה אחת. Workbook pages

13 Reference words – mark the meanings
"Essential oils" are the essences of certain plants, and they are usually taken from the plant by crushing it, boiling it, and then cooling the steam. Gattefossé was not the first to use aromatic, essential oils to heal wounds. Today, aromatherapist still use this controversial method of treatment.

14 Reference words - answers
"Essential oils" are the essences of certain plants, and they are usually taken from the plant by crushing it, boiling it, and then cooling the steam. Gattefossé was not the first to use aromatic, essential oils to heal wounds. Today, aromatherapist still use this controversial method of treatment.

15 Word Study - The "Empty" It
המקרים האלה ה-it נקרא רֵיק empty it = ומשתמשים בו במשפטים המתארים מצב, זמן, מרחק, מזג אויר ועוד. It was sad to the wolves disappear from the park. It was hard to feel connected to other students in an online course. Workbook page 146

16 Adjectives שמות תואר שמות-תואר מתארים שמות עצם.
שמות-תואר באנגלית אינם משתנים בצורת הרבים: an experienced user experienced users שמות-תואר המתארים מצב, הם מסתיימים לפעמים ב--ing או ב--ed: a leading researcher ההבדלים: A leading researcher is doing a survey. The researcher is leading a project. Workbook page 132

17 Exercise Adjectives Find Noun and Adjective (Verbs are bold) The game of chess was played differently by different cultures. There were more opportunities for international competitions. There have been famous women players who played chess through correspondence. Module 3 Unit 4 Workbook page 306 ANSWER ON NEXT SLIDE

18 Exercise - answers Find Nouns and Adjectives The game of chess was played differently by different cultures. There were more opportunities for international competitions. There have been famous women players who played chess through correspondence. Part 4 Unit

19 Mark the Adverbs תוארי פועל
תוארי הפועל חשובים מאד בכתיבה אקדמית מכיוון שהם מביעים את מידת הוודאות של הכותב לגבי הדברים הנאמרים. Many people have often been disappointed by their doctor’s attitude. Their doctor may seem to treat them impersonally. Therefore, these people have frequently turned to alternative medicine. Doctors of alternative medicine approach disease preventively, they wish to prevent the disease rather than cure it. Go to text and see the examples: ANSWER ON NEXT SLIDE Workbook page 77

20 Mark the Adverbs תוארי פועל
תוארי הפועל חשובים מאד בכתיבה אקדמית מכיוון שהם מביעים את מידת הוודאות של הכותב לגבי הדברים הנאמרים. Many people have often been disappointed by their doctor’s attitude. Their doctor may seem to treat them impersonally. Therefore, these people have frequently turned to alternative medicine. Doctors of alternative medicine approach disease preventively, they wish to prevent the disease rather than cure it. Go to text and see the examples:

21 Adverbs תוארי פועל תוארי הפועל עוזרים לנו לענות על השאלות הבאות:
When? מתי How? כיצד How often?באיזו שכיחות/ תדירות To what degree? באיזו מידה ---- Where היכן? Under what conditions? באילו נסיבות Workbook page often generally usually Go to text and see the examples: widely place situation

22 Adverbials exercise Adverbials תוארי פועל
הפסוקית המובלטת עונה על השאלה: When did the boy’s headaches disappear? After the boy’s mother to stop giving him peanut butter, he stopped having headaches. Where does the Internet let you search a library? The Internet lets you search a library anywhere in the world. How is modern China bringing together traditional medicines and the contributions of science and technology? Through the "marriage" of the ancient and the new, modern China is bringing all of these types of treatments together. If time permits go to other “Study-Review” ppts. ANSWER ON NEXT SLIDE

23 Adverbials answers Adverbials תוארי פועל
הפסוקית המובלטת עונה על השאלה: When did the boy’s headaches disappear? After the boy’s mother to stop giving him peanut butter, he stopped having headaches. Where does the Internet let you search a library? The Internet lets you search a library anywhere in the world. How is modern China bringing together traditional medicines and the contributions of science and technology? Through the "marriage" of the ancient and the new, modern China is bringing all of these types of treatments together. If time permits go to other “Study-Review” ppts.

24 Word and Language Study
Please don’t forget We worked on this a lot! Will you remember all we did on the final exam?

25 Request Remember to do the survey about the E Level נא למלא את המשוב
Look at the exercises

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