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Vocab Unit 4 9 Honors Abstract – Segregate.

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1 Vocab Unit 4 9 Honors Abstract – Segregate

2 Abstract Adjective Theoretical; impersonal Synonym: not concrete
James liked sushi in the abstract, but when he actually sat down to try it, he realized the idea of eating raw fish totally grossed him out.

3 Analogy Noun A comparison of one thing to another; a similarity
Synonym: connection Sam’s analogy that a bee sting feels like an alligator bite seems like a bit of an exaggeration to me.

4 Awry Adjective Off-course; twisted in some way Synonym: off-track
Though we had planned out every aspect of our trip, unexpected construction caused our driving route to go awry.

5 Chagrin Noun Humiliation or embarrassment
Synonym: disappointment (because of a humiliation) Much to my chagrin, I found out that the text I had meant to send only to my mom was actually sent to my entire family!

6 Connoisseur Noun An expert in a particular field
Synonym: an authority or specialist June is considered a connoisseur in the art industry; she has a knack for choosing artists that become extremely popular.

7 Demagogue Noun A leader who uses prejudice to get more power
Synonym: an agitator If Doug ever intends to be taken seriously as a national political leader, he needs to stop behaving like a demagogue and instead focus on the real issues of the nation.

8 Elusive Adjective Hard to pin down; evasive Synonym: difficult to find
The rare bird was elusive, and Alex found himself sitting by his window all morning trying to locate it high in the trees.

9 Fauna Noun Animals Synonym: wildlife
The variety of fauna in the rainforest is truly astounding.

10 Idiosyncrasy Noun A peculiar habit Synonym: an eccentricity; a quirk
Michelle’s most obvious idiosyncrasy is that she eats everything with a fork, even soup!

11 Integral Adjective Essential Synonym: comprehensive
Joe’s supervisor determined that he was not integral to the department’s success, and, as a result, she recommended that he was assigned to another department.

12 Martyr Noun Someone who gives up his or her life to support a cause; someone who makes a show of suffering to gain sympathy Synonym: victim Sophie acted like a martyr as a way to make people think she needed special treatment because of her seasonal allergies.

13 Opulent Adjective Luxurious Synonym: ostentatious; expensive
The millionaire decorated his opulent home with expensive furnishings and solid gold pieces.

14 Pivotal Adjective Crucial Synonym: vital
The community’s petition proved to be the pivotal point in getting the board to review its previous decision.

15 Reciprocal Adjective Mutual; shared Synonym: common
States often have reciprocal agreements with other states and will agree to value a person’s professional license if they move to a new location.

16 Segregate Verb To separate Synonym: to isolate
Society used to segregate schools to keep Black and White students separate.

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