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Write Your Project Title Here VU Logo Here

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2 Write Your Project Title Here VU Logo Here

3 Group Members Introduction
Write your group members introduction here with names and VU Id

Give here the introduction of your project in a professional way with proper headings. Try to write in bullets form. You can cover about two slides on introduction.

5 About Process Model You Followed.

6 Provide Here the Diagram of Process Model
Provide Here the Diagram of Process Model. You can make the diagram of process model according to your choice but it should be correct.

7 Write all the Actors of your System here
Actors Catalog Write all the Actors of your System here

8 Provide Use Case Diagram of your Application here

9 Business Rules Catalog
Write down here some core business rules/functional requirements of your project.

10 Architectural Design

11 Project Scope Provide here the Context Diagram of your system

12 Team Structure Provide here the diagrammatic view of your team structure and key responsibilities.

13 Project Schedule Provide the Schedule (Time Line Chart) of your project here which you developed in second deliverable (Methodology & Work Plan).

14 Sequence Diagrams Provide some core sequence diagrams here. Provide one diagram per slide and give heading at top for each sequence diagram.

15 Logical Model/Class Diagram

16 Entity-Relationship Diagram

17 Provide database design of your application here

18 User Interfaces Provide screen shots of GUI in different slides of your application here

19 Tools Write the various tools you have used during the development of this application

20 Test Cases Provide some Test Cases of your System here on various slides which you developed during testing of your application in table form

21 Test Plan . List Feature Function 1. Game Played Online
2. Registration 3. Download Game 4. Chat opponent 5. Start, resign, draw game 6. Undo move 7. Move pieces by mouse 8. Attractive GUI 9. Piece move correctly according to his rule 10. Logon to the web to play the game.

22 Conclusion If you have any conclusion then write here. This part is optional for Software Projects but must for Research Projects.

23 Thanks! Any Questions

24 The End

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