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CEBAF Lifetime tests with our present CEBAF photogun/injector (mA current, voltage, active area, laser spot size, Wien ON/OFF, strained vs bulk, etc.,)

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Presentation on theme: "CEBAF Lifetime tests with our present CEBAF photogun/injector (mA current, voltage, active area, laser spot size, Wien ON/OFF, strained vs bulk, etc.,)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CEBAF Lifetime tests with our present CEBAF photogun/injector (mA current, voltage, active area, laser spot size, Wien ON/OFF, strained vs bulk, etc.,) 200kV Wien, rebuild 2-Wien spin flipper Operate our 130kV gun at 200kV (tee-shaped electrode, or with spherical electrode and shed), or replace our 130 kV inverted gun chamber with our 350kV chamber Finish today’s 5 MeV Mott paper Consider Mott part 2: different energies and different Zs, improve/expand Marty’s GEANT model Brock harmonically resonant cavity at MeV location, one beam and two beams Resonant polarimeter tests Stern Gerlach deflection Stewart platform for pockels cell Assist Kent with RTP cell studies, quantify the benefits of the Paschke method of PC alignment Bubble Chamber experiment, fluorine and oxygen SRF cavities at 4K AOM laser/AOM light + Compton scattering/AOM electron beams

2 Photocathode R&D at TL 1137 : alkali-antimonides
Finish evaluating CsK2Sb photocathode on Nb substrate: spectral response measurements at 100 C, RT, 0 C, dry ice, and LN2 Make alkali antimonide photocathodes using hydroxides in crucibles, CsOH and KOH Make alkali-antimonide photocathodes with Na Brock cavity RF gun: need waveguide couplers, need calculation of expected E field. Install cavity below the chemical sources of Mamun’s depo chamber, install small beamline and dipole magnet spectrometer. Illuminate photocathode with gain switched diode laser. Make 10keV beam with RF structure, seen on viewer and dump, that would be a big deal (because it could be scaled to higher energy with SRF cavity). Thin CsK2Sb photocathode on GaAs, measure polarization in mini-Mott. CsK2Sb photocathode could be fabricated in depo chamber and moved to miniMott….need a load lock. Could use brute force - with long bellows and long stalks. Or with Mamun’s puck holding scheme Drop a permanent magnet into stalk and make “magnetized” beam at 1137…can do this at miniMott too, but suspect this would only serve to mis-steer the beam. Does magnetization manifest itself in ways we can “see”?

3 Photocathode R&D at TL 1137: polarized photocathodes
Polarization vs NEA layer, cleave plane, dopant density and temperature. Quantify depolarization terms for a monte carlo simulation that others want to create Evaluate our stock of GaAsSb/AlGaAs and GaAsSb/AlGaAsP photocathodes from SVT: miniMott and then inside UITF gun. These photocathodes are supposed to be more rugged, with improved lifetime. Cool GaAs/GaAsP photocathode to 77K and obtain highest polarization ever recorded at JLab. For bulk GaAs, polarization increased by 20+% at 77K. For 90% photocathode at RT, what will polarization be at 77K? Improve our miniMott, or make a new one? Spintronics photocathodes, halfmetals, chalcopyrites? AgGaSe2:ZnSe If we think CsK2Sb photocathodes exhibit long lifetime because the alkali is infused throughout the photocathode, can we find a polarized photocathode with alkali infused throughout? Alternatives to GaAs (it will be a big deal for someone to demonstrate polarized beam from any other photocathode): ZnCdSe QW, wurtzite InGaN QW, GaMnAs, ZnSiAs2 and ZnGeAs2, Ferromagnetic thin films: Gadolinium or Europium Use nanostructure to demonstrate a “dark” photocathode, 100% absorption. Increased QE due to 100% absorption, make sure polarization is maintained

4 GTS High current inverted gun at 350kV with long lifetime Emittance vs alkali-antimonide photocathode recipe, CsK2Sb vs Cs3Sb Magnetized beam (dc laser, rf structure low and high bunch charge) Hollow beam High average current, High bunch charge operation Precipitator tests Fast kicker tests with Brock harmonic cavity as selective energy booster, or Rimmer subharmonic cavity Field emission tests: TiN-Al, TiN-Cu, barrel polishing evaluation, Nb electrode

5 Lasers High power lasers at visible and IR wavelengths, picosecond pulses Improved reliability Less DC light Hollow beams Vortex laser/vortex light

6 UITF Polarized high current inverted gun at 350kV mA polarized beam lifetime tests, lifetime vs laser spot size, vs gun voltage GaAs/GaAsP with and without DBR, GaAsSb/AlGaAs, and GaAsSb/AlGaAsP photocathode lifetime tests (harder now that YQ has left SVT) GaAs activated with Cs and Li: bi-alkali lifetime tests 200 keV Wien, with beam-based evaluation of performance Polarized positron proposal Brock cavities Bubble Chamber

7 Vacuum Phil’s -12 Torr demonstration with only homemade NEG coating and 20 L/s pump Gauge comparison Cryopumping to reach -13 Torr? It’s time to remove Leybold pump and replace with BNNT cryopump, right? BNNT cryopump, improve capacity, write it up Use VTA as our cryostat, build a chamber with -12 Torr vacuum, immerse in LHe, bottom out a gauge…. Means to reduce outgassing rate below our -13 TL/scm2 value obtained via 400C bakeout Revisit the modulated Bayard-Alpert gauge to improve gauge S/N ratio, and accurately measure lower pressures

8 JLEIC/eRHIC Magnetized beam High average current unpolarized beam High bunch charge unpolarized beam Fast kickers High current, high bunch charge polarized beam 500kV guns 10-13 Torr guns Alternatives to GaAs

9 LERF Begin designing the 500 kV inverted gun with large FEL insulator Improve the depo chamber design to accommodate bigger pucks Replace the modelocked TimeBandwidth master oscillator laser with gain switched diode and fiber amp Add beamline for bubble chamber, astrophysics experiments, NASA tests, etc., Characterize H-cleaned metal photocathodes, add plasmonic structure

10 Senior Staff Scientist
Staff Scientist I Work should result in primary authorship of at least one refereed publication annually, in addition to conference papers/ posters and internal technical notes. Staff Scientist II Work should result in primary authorship of one or more refereed publications annually, in addition to significant contributions to other refereed publications and conference papers/ posters and internal technical notes. Staff Scientist III Fewer publications as first author in favor of an increasing number of publications as team leader. Senior Staff Scientist Invited talks and review papers should dominate the publication record. Are these reasonable expectations? I think so…especially now that CEBAF is running smoothly Scientists like to “measure things”. There’s plenty to measure, many problems to solve. Let’s agree to measure something important It’s a privilege to work at a National Lab – it is easier for us to do research compared to universities More importantly to me, writing a paper means we learned something, we brought something to conclusion. Doing publishable work is our “responsibility”

11 CIS includes seven staff scientists
CIS includes seven staff scientists. Per Skills Matrix, CIS should produce > 13 publications per year! Sure, fewer publications if scientists work together on projects…. Plot shows a great trend, but clearly, the Promotion Review Board has not been looking at our publication record!

12 The Cornell Group represents a good model for CIS
The Cornell Group represents a good model for CIS. Like Cornell, we’ve done the hard work of building machines and test stands, now let’s reap rewards Adjusting to our new normal: More competitive environment, limited resources. Doing good work that has an impact, that leads to something new, like a new capability, it makes JLab look good, we maintain our credibility. And we absolutely need credibility….credibility will bring us funding, which is needed in our “new normal” Note, in past 5 years, most of the research appears to happen as a result of students and/or postdocs. Only small fraction originates from non-student work. So scientists need to step it up, or get students…. Advice to you and me: step away from your desk We sometimes convince ourselves we can’t do something because of lack of money, but there might still be ways to get things done with what we have, or by exploiting the good relationships we have with other groups


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