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Salivary Glands Submandibular Salivary gland:

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1 Salivary Glands Submandibular Salivary gland:
Is a large salivary gland composed of a mixture of serous and mucous acini It lies under cover of the body of the mandible, form a V-shaped concavity with the deep part around the posterior border of the mylohyoid muscle. 11/30/2018

2 Salivary Glands Submandibular
Made up of a large superficial and a small deep part which are continuous with each other around the posterior border of the mylohyoid muscle. Superficial part lie in the digastric triangle and separated from the parotid by stylomandibular ligament 11/30/2018

3 Salivary Glands Submandibular Anterior relation: Posterior relation:
Anterior belly of digastric muscle Posterior relation: Stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, stylomandibular and parotid gland 11/30/2018

4 Salivary Glands Submandibular Medial relation: Lateral relation:
Mylohoid, hypoglossal, mylohyoid nerve and vessels, lingual and hypoglossal nerves Lateral relation: Skin, platysma, deep cervical fascia, lymph node and medial surface of mandible. Cervical branch of facial nerve 11/30/2018

5 Salivary Glands The deep part: Submandibular Anterior:
Extend forward between the mylohyoid below & laterally and the hyoglossus and styloglossus medially Anterior: The lingual salivary gland 11/30/2018

6 Salivary Glands Submandibular Posterior: Lateral: Superiorly Inferior:
Stylohyoid, digastric, ligament and parotid Lateral: Mylohyoid muscle Superiorly Lingual nerve and submandibular ganglion Inferior: The hypoglossal nerve 11/30/2018

7 Salivary Glands Submandibular duct: Blood supply Nerve supply:
Emerges from the anterior end of the deep part and pass forward under the mucous membrane Crossed laterally by the lingual nerve and lie between the sublingual gland and the genioglossus muscle Open into the mouth on a small papilla situated at the side of the lingual frenum Blood supply Facial & lingual arteries and veins Nerve supply: Secretomor fibres from the superior salivary nucleus of the VII nerve via the chorda tympani and the lingual nerve 11/30/2018

8 Salivary Glands: Sublingual salivary gland: Sublingual
Is the smallest, almond-shaped and lie beneath the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth close to the midline It in mucous-secreting gland 11/30/2018

9 Salivary Glands: Relation: Sublingual Anterior: Medial: Lateral:
gland of the opposite side Medial: genioglossus, lingual nerve & submandibular duct Lateral: medial surface of the mandible Superior: mucous membrane Inferior: the mylohyoid muscle 11/30/2018

10 Salivary Glands: Sublingual duct: Blood supply Nerve supply Sublingual
8 to 20 in number open into the submandibular duct but few open directly into the sublingual fold Blood supply Lingual and submental arteries and veins Nerve supply Secretomotor fibres reach the submandibular ganglion from the superior salivary nucleus of the VII cranial nerve via the chorda tympani to the lingual nerve 11/30/2018

11 Salivary Glands Clinically: Parotid gland:
Swelling can not be moved anteroposteriorly only vertically because it is fixed by the ramus and the mastoid process. Swelling of overlying structures, skin, lymph nodes could be moved both vertically and horizontally. Mainly due to pyogenic infection (Acute sailadenitis) or viral (Mumps). Mixed tumour Malignant ones causes facial palsy. 11/30/2018

12 Salivary Glands Submandibular gland:
Sailolethesis, stones, are the commonest cause of recurrent painful swelling Pleomorphic adenoma Removed as part of the block dissection of the neck because of the lymph nodes. 11/30/2018

13 Salivary Glands Sublingual: Minor salivary gland:
Mucus retention cyst, Ranula. Minor salivary gland: Mucus retention or extravasation cyst, on the lip and cheek Mixed tumours mainly in the palate. 11/30/2018

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