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Fourier Transform and Data Compression

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1 Fourier Transform and Data Compression
Problem: compress audio and video data for more efficient storage/transmission. General Approach: Transform Quantize Encode LOSSLESS LOSSY Inverse Transform Decode

2 The Fourier Series is an example of an efficient representation of a signal. In fact take any continuous time signal with finite length : Recall Parceval’s Theorem:

3 We can approximate a continuous time signal arbitrarily closely by a finite set of coefficients.
However: large errors at discontinuities. Example: Large errors at the boundaries, since we assume the signal to be extended periodically. discontinuities

4 No Discontinuities at the Boundaries
We can easily solve this problem by expanding the signal No Discontinuities at the Boundaries From the symmetry, all Fourier Coefficients are real. Therefore with

5 DCT II DCT II This is easily extended to discrete time signals.
There are several ways of defining the DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform). For example: with DCT II DCT II

6 Example:

7 all values with similar p(i): High Entropy
Divide the signal into blocks of length N and take the DCT within each block: all values with similar p(i): High Entropy DFT or DCT DFT DFT DFT Small values have large p(i), large values have small p(i): Low Entropy

8 Example: signal Histogram DCT Histogram

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