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Spring is coming. The sun is shining. The trees are green

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Presentation on theme: "Spring is coming. The sun is shining. The trees are green"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring is coming. The sun is shining. The trees are green
Spring is coming. The sun is shining. The trees are green. The flowers are blooming. The birds are singing. The butterflies are dancing . Let`s go and play outside.

2 Shanghai Zoo Shanghai Wild Life Park

3 Let’s go to ________________.
We can go there by _________.

4 What can we see in the zoo?
We can see It/They can

5 a e sk__t__ bake cake date face

6 Try to read! Kate mate gate date late hate

7 Skate, skate, skate, skate.
skate together Skate, skate together. Merrily, merrily skate. Skate, skate, skate, skate.

8 We can skate on a skateboard.
Look! We are skating. skateboard

9 We can skate on the ice. Look! We are skating.

10 Skate, skate, I like skating.
Skate on a skateboard. Fast down the road. Skate on the ice. That’s very nice!

11 skate skateboard roller skate

12 Roller-skate, roller-skate, Look! I have pink roller-skates.
I like roller-skating. I like roller-skating on Sunday. Skate, skate, Look! I have a cool skateboard. I like skating. Hey. Skate with me!

13 go skiing We can go skiing in winter.

14 Hello! I am a monkey. I can skate. Look at me! I like skating.

15 Ha, ha. I am a monkey too. I like rid a bicycle e ing Page 13

16 ride a horse

17 Ride, ride, ride a bicycle; I can ride a bicycle.
A Chant Ride, ride, ride a bicycle; I can ride a bicycle. Ride, ride, ride a horse; I can’t ride a horse. A bicycle or a horse? What,what,what can you ride?

18 And I like riding a bicycle.
I’m a monkey. And I’m naughty. I’m brown. I can climb . And I like riding a bicycle. Page 14

19 I am a rabbit. I can skip. I like skipping.

20 I am a kangaroo. I can hop. I like hopping.

21 I am a… I can… I like (doing) …

22 Verb-ing singing sing skating skate run running

23 _____ is _____ ‘s friend.
Please colour it _____. running skating singing drawing hopping dancing writing flying riding skipping reading swimming

24 I am a/an ______. I can ____. I like ______.
eagle fly flying I am a/an ______. I can ____. I like ______. skip skating fly walking riding a bicycle ride a bicycle skate skipping walk hop running run hopping flying swimming swim

25 What can we do on the grass lawn?
There is a big grass lawn(草坪) in Shanghai Wild Life Park. What can we do on the grass lawn?

26 I can I like I can skate. I like skating .

27 write, dance, skate, ride a bicycle
Chant: run, hop, skip sing, draw, fly a kite, play football, play hide and seek write, dance, skate, ride a bicycle ____, ____, ____, I can _____. ____ with me. __ing, __ing, __ing, I like ____ing. Bravo!

28 Tick-tack- toe: What can you do? What do you like doing? I can _(do)_.
I like _(doing)_.

29 Do you like _(doing)_, _(name)___?
Ask and answer: Do you like _(doing)_, _(name)___? Yes, I do. Yes. I like _(doing)_. No, I don’t. No. I like _(doing)_.

30 Let`s get into a group I like skipping. Do you like skipping a rope? Yes. I like skipping a rope. That`s nice! I have a rope. Let’s get into a group. O.K.

31 I like ___ing. Do you like ___ing? That’s nice! I have (a) ____(s).
Let’s get into a group I like ___ing. Do you like ___ing? Yes, I do. Yes. I like ____ing. That’s nice! I have (a) ____(s). Let’s get into a group. OK./Great!

32 Let`s get into a group Do you like skating, Danny? No. I like riding a bicycle. I liking skating. Let’s get into a group. I can take two skateboards.

33 Let’s get into a group Do you like ____ing, Danny? No. I like ____ing.
No, I don’t. I like ___ing. Let’s get into a group. I can take ______s for you. Thank you.


35 A Plan for our spring-outing
Date: Time: 8:30-16:00 Class: Teacher: Place: How: by school bus Things we like doing : …… Things we need: Food: Drink: Toy:

36 Because they are/it is ____. So I want to take them/it for outing.
List up: food fruits drinks toys I like ____(s). Because they are/it is ____. So I want to take them/it for outing.

37 A Plan for our spring-outing
On ____(date), we will(将) have a spring-outing. We will go to visit ___ Zoo. We go there by ____ with our teacher, ____. We need to take some food, fruits, drinks and toys to the zoo. At the zoo, we can see many animals. They’re ___, ___, ___ and so on. We can also have a picnic. We can eat some____, ____ and drink some___, ___. We can play on the grassland too. Some like ____ing. Some like ___ing. Some like ___ing. So we need ___, ___, ___ and so on. We will have a lot of fun at spring-outing.


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