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Air Pressure & Fronts.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pressure & Fronts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pressure & Fronts

2 Air Pressure The force pushing down on an area
Decreases as you go up (mountain) Changes in pressure result in wind Measured with a barometer 970 millibars – 1040 millibars

3 High Pressure Systems Air tends to sink Air moves outward (clockwise)
Usually clear skies Gentle breezes Air moves outward (clockwise)

4 Low Pressure Systems Air tends to rise
Clouds Storms Wind Air moves inward (counter-clockwise) Low pressure systems tend to have fronts associated with them

5 Air Mass Large volume of air with consistent temperature and moisture content Depends on where it originates Air masses are separated by fronts

6 Fronts Cold Front  Warm Air Warm Front  Cold Air Stationary Front
Can produce short-lived thunderstorms Warm Front  Cold Air Long, steady rains Stationary Front Not much movement Occluded Front Thunderstorms, Rain

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