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When a thing is more than just a thing

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Presentation on theme: "When a thing is more than just a thing"— Presentation transcript:

1 When a thing is more than just a thing
symbolism When a thing is more than just a thing

2 What ideas and emotions does a rose bring to mind?

3 How about a handshake?

4 How about this?

5 One more…

6 Definition: Symbol - something that has meaning on its own yet also stands for something else. Symbols are used to represent abstract ideas.

7 Two Types of Symbols 1. Universal Suggestion - a symbol that has meaning based on typical life experience. 2. Work-based Suggestion - a symbol that has meaning based on a particular work (book, movie, play, song).


9 Work based suggestions

10 How to say it… When talking about a symbol, be sure to use the words “represents” or “symbolizes.” “This object symbolizes…” “The courthouse represents…”

11 Remember… ~ A symbol must be a physical object.
~ A symbol can’t be a person.

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