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Making Hay After Your K Award

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1 Making Hay After Your K Award
Elizabeth A. Phelan, MD, MS Associate Professor, Medicine/Gerontology July 10, 2008

2 You have your K – what now?
Collaborate Communicate Avoid over-extending (admin, clinical) Cultivate >1 mentor Seek opportunities for national exposure Understand requirements for promotion at your institution Apply for independent funding

3 Collaborate Research where you contribute unique expertise
Disciplines other than your own Work styles that are comparable Benefits: Shared vision/passion Momentum of the group Increased productivity

4 Communicate Publications Presentations
Meetings with boss and mentors – keep them informed and thinking about you

5 Avoid Over-Extending K awards mandate 75-80% time on research
Create a personal timeline and calendar Consider all invitations carefully Get input from your career mentor Say no when appropriate

6 More Than One Mentor Career mentor Research mentor
Senior with “currency” Less senior but closer to where you are at and more available

7 National Exposure How Invitations your mentors can’t accept
Discuss with them specifically Why Personal visibility Meet national leaders in your field

8 Understand Promotion Requirements
Know what you’re working toward DOM: >20 publications Demonstrated leadership Funding stream Concurrence of others who know your work outside of your own institution Determine how you’ll get there

9 Apply for Independent Funding
Value of a good idea Need for preliminary data Consider NIH and non-government sources Apply early

10 Getting Your First R01 Demonstrate some publications without your mentor Build on what you’ve done for your K Clear precise aims (have others read) Clear rationale Become familiar with criteria used to score grants

11 Getting Your First R01 Discuss with a program officer
Submit early (resubmission likely) Apply under an RFA if you can find one Mark new investigator Direct application to an appropriate study section Apply for non-NIH funding too

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