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Kennedy Town pre-fieldwork

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1 Kennedy Town pre-fieldwork
Lesson Objectives; To locate and familiarise ourselves with the field area, Kennedy Town. To plan our route on the day

2 Plan for the fieldtrip Time Activity
Meet at level 6 entrance / register Get on coach with your teacher. Arrive at Kennedy Town Gather data at your first site. Gather data at your second site. Gather data at your third site. Gather data at your fourth site

3 So what will I do at each site?
Task Details Sustainability survey This will be based on your sustainability index (SI). Photos At each site to support your perceptions survey. Noise recording Take 3 recording and make an average for each site. Not enough equipment for each group so all groups will have a go and share data. More on this next lesson…

4 Using these 6 figure grid references, plot the sites on to your map.
This is the point that you will meet your teacher, however you are expected to fully explore around the area. TODAY’S Task Site Grid reference 1/5 Davis Street – The Merton 2/6Belcher Bay Park 3/7 Catchick Street / Smithfields 4/8 Kennedy Town community complex Next, using a coloured pen plan out the route you will take to get to each site. The number of your group will be the number of your starting site. For example, if you are group 3 you will start at site 3. Your group then moves to sites in numerical order. For examples, group 3 follow route- site 3, 4, 5, 6.

5 Locating Kennedy Town Use Google Maps to find 3 maps; one at NATIONAL SCALE, one at REGIONAL SCALE, and one at LOCAL SCALE. Use directions, place names, distances, geographical features and terminology to describe the location of Mui Wo. Your map should be ANNOTATED with the key features, and should also be complete with BOLTS. Border Orientation Legend Title Scale

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