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LHS Junior Information Session

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1 LHS Junior Information Session
Welcome to our Junior Information Session. Today we are going to go through the packet you were given when you came in and help you feel more comfortable about where your student is and how you will proceed to get your child off to college.

2 TEXT @lambert19 to 81010 to start receiving messages:
JUNIOR CLASS REMIND101 to to start receiving messages: College Visits to LHS Deadlines Parent Nights More! We want to share with you a great way for us to communicate with you. to to start receiving messages about college visits, deadlines, parent nights, and many more important information for you and your student.

3 Developing a College List Visiting Colleges
Topics of Interest HOPE Scholarship SAT & ACT Developing a College List Visiting Colleges Timeline for Junior Year & Beyond During this presentation today we will be covering these topics. We have surveyed parents and have found that these topics are the most important to our Juniors and their parents at this time. As we go through these topics, if you have questions about anything please feel free to ask them. Whatever question you ask may be just the one that another person wanted to ask too.

4 THE TIME TO PLAN IS NOW The time to plan is now – you will hear this a lot as we present today. Let’s look at your packet and make sure you have everything. You should have in your packet a Junior Status Sheet, LHS Transcript, your students current schedule, Hope Report, and a Handout that you can take notes on during this presentation. If you do not have the Hope Report it is because we do not have your student’s SS#. If you will bring a copy of your child’s SS Cart to Ms. Hosier, our registrar in the counseling office she will get that information inputted and then we will be able to access your child’s Hope Report.

5 Graduation Status Sheet
Lambert High School Graduation Status Sheet Name: Date: COURSES REQUIRED (23 credits) ENGLISH (4 credits) 9th Lit X 10th Lit American Lit 17-18 4th English MATH (4 credits) Algebra I Geometry COURSES TO COMPLETE FOR Algebra II GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: 4th Math Government (.5) SCIENCE (4 credits) Biology Economics (.5) Phys. Sci./Physics Chem/Earth/Env 4th Science SOCIAL STUDIES (3 credits) World Hist. US History HEALTH/PERS. FIT (1 CREDIT) Health (.5) Pers. Fitness (.5) ELECTIVES (4 credits) Elective W.LANG*/ART/TECH (3 credits) W.Lang/Art/Tech *2 credits in same World Lang. required for college admission Parent Signature Date Student Signature * It is ultimately the responsibility of the student to ensure that all graduation requirements are met. X indicates a completed course 17-18 indicates a courese in progress Refer to list of “Courses to Complete” when registering for Senior year Take out the first sheet that looks like this. This is called a Graduation Status Sheet. It is an INTERNAL document that never leaves Lambert. It is a way for us to keep track with your student. The “X” indicates a completed course for graduation. The ones marked show your child is in the process of completing that course this year. The Highlight in Pink shows what your child still needs to take to graduate. This will help you determine what your schedule should look like for next year. Does anyone have a question? If not then you and your child should sign the bottom of both sheets. You will keep one and one will stay with your counselor. Let’s look now at the Lambert Transcript. This transcript shows your student’s cumulative GPA. Cummulative means that this is all the course your child has earned credit for in 9th and 10th grade. Next year all completed courses through 11th grade will be on this transcript and when you apply this is what the colleges will use to determine acceptance to their college.

6 THE HOPE SCHOLARSHIP What GPA is required?
Let’s look at the Hope report. Hope looks at Core Courses only. That is the first thing you can see different between the 2 GPA’s so far. For Hope your student will need a 3.0 and the 4 rigor courses. Hope pays % tuition only at a public school in GA. There are MANY courses that fall under rigor and not all of them are AP classes, for example, Algebra II, Chemistry, any world language after the 1st year. You can find a list of the courses on For Zell Miller, the next tier for the Hope Scholarship, you need a 3.7 GPA, 4 rigor courses, plus 26 on ACT or 1200 on SAT (in one sitting) and it will pay 100% tuition. Hope stays in GA. You may hear you can take it to other states but that is not true. If you are looking to go to a private school Hope pays a percentage which is about $3,000 - $5,000. On your students Hope report you can see what their GPA is figured by Hope. The highest GPA for Hope is 4.0. It can not be super scored. You have to apply in the spring of your Senior year and you have to be a full time student in college to get the Hope. Any questions about Hope? You must keep a 3.0 cumulative in college to keep Hope. What GPA is required? What schools accept the HOPE Scholarship? How do we know our HOPE GPA?

Let’s take a few moments to help you learn to navigate the counseling website. This website will be the source of everything you need. – well almost! Show: Announcement page Junior page College Prep Tutor Academic Assistance -Almost all questions can be answered on our website- Where is it? What information is available?

8 SAT & ACT Every college requires the SAT or ACT but they do not care which one you take. Every college requires the essay as well. We suggest that you take both the SAT/ACT beginning in December and take it cold turkey. When you find out which one was better then prep for it. Our website has many resources for SAT/ACT help. There are some free study help on the website and a new one that is provided free by the US Military – Plan carefully as these tests have deadlines and they are firm. Register early to get the best location an date. Remember to send all of your scores on to your colleges. SAT subject tests are only required at Emory or private schools. SAT taken in middle school will not count. When should students take these and which one should they take? Which test do colleges prefer? How to prepare for SAT/ACT -or-

A few weeks ago we met with your student in a junior guidance class where we had them go to the Career Cruising Website. You can find that info on our website. WE began to work with them to develop their college list. Our suggestion is to go to this website and od the survey with them so you have the conversations about your college expectations and they can share what they think. Another site that is great to use and is free is called Another good thing to do is do College Fairs like Probe Fair, and look into college visits on our own campus. Chose colleges based on Reach, Target and likely schools. We generally say to apply to 6 to 8 schools. Reach = College is selective (like Ivy League Schools) and they only chose less than 20% of those that apply. If the GPS that the college is looking for is .2 or .3 higher than what you have then this is a Reach school. Target = Your GPA is right in the middle of the range of the GPA they are looking for. Likely = Your GPA is above the middle range of the GPA they are looking for. How many schools should we be looking at? Where do we go for information? How do we know what schools are the right fit? How do I navigate a college website?

10 THE TIME TO PLAN IS NOW The time to plan is now. You need to be making the plan to: Keep your grades up Making your college list. Setting the SAT/ACT dates and prepping for them.

11 VISITING COLLEGES When should we visit colleges?
Once you have a list then visit the websites of those colleges. Check out the virtual tours, freshman profile, majors, and other interests. Then sign up for a tour. They need to know you are coming so you will have an opportunity to see as much as you can. Use the 4 days we offer for junior year and 4 days we offer as a senior to put your feet on the campus. While on the campus talk to students get their impression, try out the food, visit a classroom, ask the admissions office how they will figure your GPA. Take a list of things you are looking for like Greek Life, diversity, religious affiliations, etc. Be sure to do the College Visit form before you leave and get it signed at the college. We have these forms in the counseling office or on our website. When should we visit colleges? How do we set up a tour? What should we be looking for?

So right now you should be focusing on: Grades Planning your SAT/ACT Making the college list. You need to work on prepping for the SAT/ACT so you can take your final test when you return back in the fall. Decide how you will apply to the colleges: Early Decision which is a binding decision. Early Action which only looks at test scores and GPA and is not binding and gets you an early response. If you do Early Action and they deny you, you can not apply again till next year. The NET price calculator is on every college site. It is as good as the info you give it. Remember to stay organized – find a way to keep track of deadlines and answer to questions. What do we focus on now? What should we be doing this summer? How do we keep this all organized?


Thank you for coming! ANY ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? Visit the Counseling website often for updates Follow the Counseling Office on @LHS_Counseling

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