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SPECIAL RELATIVITY PARADOXES Faster than light? Twin paradox

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Presentation on theme: "SPECIAL RELATIVITY PARADOXES Faster than light? Twin paradox"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPECIAL RELATIVITY PARADOXES Faster than light? Twin paradox
(NOT) Faster than light? Twin paradox Causality paradox

2 Violation of ultimate speed (not)
¾ c ¾ c You What is speed of Laura relative to George? ¾ c is Laura’s speed in Your IRF, but relative to George Your clock runs slower (time dilation) Your distances are longer (length contraction) George concludes Laura’s speed (distance/time) relative to You is less than You measure – less than ¼ c actually George agrees his speed is ¾ c relative to you Total less than c Note: Disagreements only for 3rd party speeds

3 Twin Paradox (not) Observers in uniform relative motion both say the others clock runs slow
Ages less than X years FACT Ages X years Stay-at-Home twin IRF : Travelling twin time dilates, ages slower Travelling twin IRF : Distance travelled is contracted, takes less time

4 A long, long way away Violation of Causality (not)
Two observers in relative motion disagree about the temporal order of events… A long, long way away Two observers passing in the street disagree about whether the alien fleet has yet set out to invade Earth Note: causality is not violated There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light She set out one day In a relative way, And returned home the previous night. - Arthur Henry Reginald Buller YES NO

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