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Veteran Employment Dynamics

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1 Veteran Employment Dynamics

2 Objectives Review current unemployment data
JAX/Norfolk 11/30/2018 Objectives Review current unemployment data Identify skills employers care about and the capabilities transitioning Sailors can typically offer them Explore three resources you can use to assist sailors identify their skills and interests Practice using the resources I’m going to partner you up. Count off. Talk about doing this in terms of facilitation. How are you going to present your partner? How do you become engaging? Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

3 Why this is important Short term Long Term
JAX/Norfolk Why this is important Short term Help Sailors prepare for and take full advantage of DOLEW, MOC Crosswalk, and Specialized Tracks Long Term Not just a job, but a high quality job Adequate pay and benefits Satisfying work Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

4 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

5 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

6 Adequate Pay and Benefits
JAX/Norfolk Adequate Pay and Benefits A single E4 with less than 3 yrs, living in barracks Base pay x 12 months = Hourly rate 2080 hours $2,314 X 12 / = $13.37 hr. ($27,770/year) 2080 Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

7 Adequate Pay and Benefits
JAX/Norfolk Adequate Pay and Benefits E4 less than 4 yrs, w/ dependents, living off base (Base pay + BAS + BAH) X 12 = Hrly rate 2080 ($2,314 + $357 + $2,409) X 12 = $ ($61,000 /yr) Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

8 But wait! There’s more…. Medical and dental coverage
JAX/Norfolk But wait! There’s more…. Medical and dental coverage Specialty pay & allowances Child care, MWR, JAG, Commissary, etc. Tax advantage for BAH/BAQ* Paid Time Off: Leave, sick time * Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

9 Making ends meet “Living wage” in Norfolk*
JAX/Norfolk Making ends meet “Living wage” in Norfolk* Single, no dependents: $13.32/hr or $27,700/yr Couple, 2 dependents Both work: $16.25/hr or $33,800/yr x 2 One parent works: $27/hr or $56,160/yr Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) * Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

10 Three obstacles between Servicemembers and high-quality jobs
JAX/Norfolk Three obstacles between Servicemembers and high-quality jobs Civilian employers often don’t understand how military experience yields valuable workplace skills Sailors often don’t understand or speak employers’ language We aren’t very good at identifying all of our capabilities and interests Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

11 Resources you can use to help Sailors identify their skills*
ITP VMET Evals O*NET’s My Next Move MOC crosswalk sites, DOLEW Participant Guide Today Skills diagram Military Experience Wheel American Council of Education (ACE) website

12 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

13 Ready, Relevant Training
JAX/Norfolk Ready, Relevant Training Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

14 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

15 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

16 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

17 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

18 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

19 JAX/Norfolk Pg. 23 How are you going to create buy-in for your TSM? WIIFM Exercise Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

20 JAX/Norfolk Exercise 1 Using the ACE Recommendations for Boatswain’s Mate, identify five skills a civilian employer might value. Table 1: BM3 Technical Skills Table 2: BM3 “Soft” Skills Table 3 : BM2 Table 4: BM1 Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

21 JAX/Norfolk Exercise II Team up and, using the Experience Wheel, interview each other and: Identify a key challenge or experience from one of the 6 regions of the wheel Describe one or two tasks you performed Rate (form 1 to 10) how satisfying or motivating you found the experience Describe one or more positive impacts you produced Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

22 Resources for Exploring Skills
JAX/Norfolk Resources for Exploring Skills O*Net Online skills inventory Class handouts (Wheel, Skills diagram) VMET, ACE reports, Evals, etc. Navy COOL Learning and Development Maps Adults: What’s in it for me (WIIFM) Navy Pre-Sep Day 1

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