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Presentation on theme: "UHM SUSTAINABLE SAUNDERS"— Presentation transcript:

-students have come to UHM because they see that Hawaii should be THE global show case for sustainability -the current truth is that UHM is the 2nd largest consumer of energy after the military -each month over $1.5 million is spend on electricity, mostly from student tuitions -we want change, but where can we get started?

2 SUSTAINABLE SAUNDERS -the story begins a year ago when the campus community chose Saunders Hall to become a model of sustainability -A group of students representing everything from traditional healing to civil engineering formed the HUB -all we knew was that the building consumed almost half a million dollars/year in electricity and that we had permission to do something about it -without a budget we were told we were crazy, that it would be impossible to make an impact. We saw it differently…we figured if we could do it than we would be living proof that any building could do it -we needed to find out what was possible.

3 “The lights are too bright”
3.2 X 3.2 X -found out that ideally the electricity bill should be about 1$/square foot. That meant that we are using 3 times too much electricity -if we reduced the energy use by 2/3rds we would save lbs of CO2 and free up $250,000 yearly-we realized the budget is in the energy savings -the interim Chancellor’s energy Summit revealed that UCSB, a campus committed to reducing their energy bill, used much less electricity per square foot that we do…almost exactly 3.2x less. We knew it could be done…but where to get started Through an energy audit we found out almost 90% of the energy was used for lighting and air conditioning and by surveying the community we found out that people were freezing under very bright lights “My office is too cold!” “The lights are too bright”

4 = = Conservation Values and Attitudes Conserving Behavior Feedback
Commitment, especially public = Conserving Behavior - When 500 people were interviewed and asked about personal responsibility for picking up litter, 94% acknowledged that individuals bore a responsibility for picking up litter, but only 2% picked up litter after the interview that had been"planted" by the researcher. -Upon completing a 3 hr workshop, the participants indicated greater awareness of energy issues, more appreciation for what could be done in their homes to reduce energy use, and a willingness to implement the changes that were advocated in the workshop, but their behavior had not changed after a one-month follow-up (Geller 1981). -High school students who received a six-day workshop that focused on creating awareness of environmental issues were found in a two-month follow up to be no more likely to have engaged in pro-environmental actions.(Jordan et al 1986) -An assessment of the effectiveness for the $200 million spent annually on energy conservation advertising by California utilities indicates that the campaigns have had little effect on energy use. (Costanzo et al 1986) Increased social reinforcement

5 Some dorms received bi-weekly feedback on their energy use, and their energy reduction during the competition averaged 31%. Other dorms received real-time feedback on energy use, through a sophisticated web portal, and their energy reduction during the competition averaged 55%.

6 -new technology in wind
-most important push for a PPA for the campus 18 kW system Offset 26,000 AC KWhs/year 25 tons of CO2 per year



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