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Preliminary Transformations

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1 Preliminary Transformations
Chapter 4 of Allen and Kennedy We talked about dependence testing in the last two class

2 Overview Why do we need this? Requirements of dependence testing
Stride 1 Normalized loop Linear subscripts Subscripts composed of functions of loop induction variables Higher dependence test accuracy Easier implementation of dependence tests

3 An Example Programmers optimized code INC = 2 KI = 0 DO I = 1, 100
Confusing to smart compilers INC = 2 KI = 0 DO I = 1, 100 DO J = 1, 100 KI = KI + INC U(KI) = U(KI) + W(J) ENDDO S(I) = U(KI)

4 An Example Applying induction-variable substitution
Replace references to AIV with functions of loop index INC = 2 KI = 0 DO I = 1, 100 DO J = 1, 100 ! Deleted: KI = KI + INC U(KI + J*INC) = U(KI + J*INC) + W(J) ENDDO KI = KI * INC S(I) = U(KI)

5 An Example Second application of IVS Remove all references to KI
INC = 2 KI = 0 DO I = 1, 100 DO J = 1, 100 U(KI + (I-1)*100*INC + J*INC) = U(KI + (I-1)*100*INC + J*INC) + W(J) ENDDO ! Deleted: KI = KI * INC S(I) = U(KI + I * (100*INC)) KI = KI * 100 * INC

6 An Example Applying Constant Propagation Substitute the constants
INC = 2 ! Deleted: KI = 0 DO I = 1, 100 DO J = 1, 100 U(I*200 + J* ) = U(I*200 + J*2 -200) + W(J) ENDDO S(I) = U(I*200) KI = 20000

7 An Example Applying Dead Code Elimination DO I = 1, 100 DO J = 1, 100
Removes all unused code DO I = 1, 100 DO J = 1, 100 U(I*200 + J* ) = U(I*200 + J* ) + W(J) ENDDO S(I) = U(I*200)

8 Information Requirements
Transformations need knowledge Loop Stride Loop-invariant quantities Constant-values assignment Usage of variables

9 Loop Normalization Lower Bound 1 with Stride 1
To make dependence testing as simple as possible Serves as information gathering phase

10 Loop Normalization Algorithm Procedure normalizeLoop(L0);
i = a unique compiler-generated LIV S1: replace the loop header for L0 DO I = L, U, S with the adjusted loop header DO i = 1, (U – L + S) / S; S2: replace each reference to I within the loop by i * S – S + L; S3: insert a finalization assignment I = i * S – S + L; immediately after the end of the loop; end normalizeLoop;

11 Loop Normalization Caveat Un-normalized: DO I = 1, M DO J = I, N
A(J, I) = A(J, I - 1) + 5 ENDDO Has a direction vector of (<,=) Normalized: DO J = 1, N – I + 1 A(J + I – 1, I) = A(J + I – 1, I – 1) + 5 Has a direction vector of (<,>)

12 Loop Normalization Caveat Handled by another transformation
Consider interchanging loops (<,=) becomes (=,>) OK (<,>) becomes (>,<) Problem Handled by another transformation What if the step size is symbolic? Prohibits dependence testing Workaround: use step size 1 Less precise, but allow dependence testing

13 Definition-use Graph Traditionally called Definition-use Chains
Provides the map of variables usage Heavily used by the transformations

14 Definition-use Graph Definition-use graph is a graph that contains an edge from each definition point in the program to every possible use of the variable at run time uses(b): the set of all variables used within the block b that have no prior definitions within the block defsout(b): the set of all definitions within block b that are not killed within the block killed(b): the set of all definitions that define variables killed by other definitions within block b

15 Definition-use Graph Computing reaches for one block b may immediately change all other reaches including b itself since reaches(b) is an input into other reaches equations Archiving correct solutions requires simultaneously solving all individual equations There is a workaround this

16 Definition-use Graph

17 Definition-use Graph

18 Dead Code Elimination Removes all dead code What is Dead Code ?
Code whose results are never used in any ‘Useful statements’ What are Useful statements ? Are they simply output statements ? Output statements, input statements, control flow statements, and their required statements Makes code cleaner

19 Dead Code Elimination

20 Constant Propagation Replace all variables that have constant values at runtime with those constant values

21 Constant Propagation

22 Constant Propagation

23 Static Single-Assignment
Reduces the number of definition-use edges Improves performance of algorithms

24 Static Single-Assignment

25 Forward Expression Substitution
Example DO I = 1, 100 K = I + 2 A(K) = A(K) + 5 ENDDO DO I = 1, 100 A(I+2) = A(I+2) + 5 ENDDO

26 Forward Expression Substitution
Need definition-use edges and control flow analysis Need to guarantee that the definition is always executed on a loop iteration before the statement into which it is substituted Data structure to find out if a statement S is in loop L Test whether level-K loop containing S is equal to L

27 Forward Expression Substitution

28 Forward Expression Substitution

29 Forward Expression Substitution

30 Forward Expression Substitution

31 Induction Variable Substitution
Definition: an auxiliary induction variable in a DO loop headed by DO I = LB, UB, S is any variable that can be correctly expressed as cexpr * I + iexprL at every location L where it is used in the loop, where cexpr and iexprL are expressions that do not vary in the loop, although different locations in the loop may require substitution of different values of iexprL

32 Induction Variable Substitution
Example: DO I = 1, N A(I) = B(K) + 1 K = K + 4 D(K) = D(K) + A(I) ENDDO

33 Induction Variable Recognition

34 Induction Variable Substitution
Induction Variable Recognition

35 Induction Variable Substitution

36 Induction Variable Substitution

37 Induction Variable Substitution
More complex example DO I = 1, N, 2 K = K + 1 A(K) = A(K) + 1 ENDDO Alternative strategy is to recognize region invariance A(K+1) = A(K+1) + 1 K = K+1 + 1

38 Induction Variable Substitution

39 IVSub without loop normalization
DO I = L, U, S K = K + N … = A(K) ENDDO … = A(K + (I – L + S) / S * N) K = K + (U – L + S) / S * N

40 IVSub without loop normalization
Problem: Inefficient code Nonlinear subscript

41 IVSub with Loop Normalization
DO i = 1, (U-L+S)/S, 1 K = K + N … = A (K) I = I + 1 ENDDO

42 IVSub with Loop Normalization
DO i = 1, (U – L + S) / S, 1 … = A (K + i * N) ENDDO K = K + (U – L + S) / S * N I = I + (U – L + S) / S

43 Summary Transformations to put more subscripts into standard form
Loop Normalization Constant Propagation Induction Variable Substitution Do loop normalization before induction-variable substitution Leave optimizations to compilers

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