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Introduction to Criminology Crim

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1 Introduction to Criminology Crim 1301-001
Opening Day

2 About Myself Jeff Maahs Education Demographics Academic Interests
Non-Academic Interests Non-academic interests + demographics

3 It’s a whole new year… Chicago Detroit Green Bay Minnesota
North Division W L T PCT PF PA HOME ROAD DIV CONF Chicago 0-0 Detroit Green Bay Minnesota

4 Still…they say history is important

5 BASICS Class Time and Room: Tuesday 5-8:30pm
Office Hours: T/TH 10-11am, 3:30-4:30pm, or by Appointment Office: 207 Cina Mailbox: 228 Cina Web: Phone:

6 Course Text Vito, Gennaro, and Jeffrey R. Maahs. (2011). Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Other readings to be posted as .pdf files on syllabus (calendar)

7 Policies and Procedures
Attendance Group activities will likely capture attendance patterns Student Behavior Missed Exams Grading Three Multiple Choice Exams Grades posted on egradebook Group activities (group number on egradebook) Course Outline Questions?

8 Teaching Assistants Vinnie Ranallo will be the teaching assistant for this section He will grade any group output Teaching assistants will also hold office hours TA office hours will be posted online as soon as we know them At this point, they we be held in Cina 208

9 Groups and Group Exercise

10 Opportunity to Participate in the Scientific Study of CRIME!
Professor Rob Weidner and I are conducting a survey to assess, among other things, non-medical use of prescription stimulants Completely anonymous (we collect no name or ID and have no way of getting that from the survey) Participation is voluntary, should take minutes There are no tangible rewards Cool opportunity to take part in real research likely to result in scientific articles. I will try to connect the study results with the theories and ideas we discuss in class.

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