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Classification of matter activity

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1 Classification of matter activity
Excerpts taken from Shari Kendrick

2 Overview Matter is composed of small particles.
Particles are composed of one or more atoms.

3 Take a look at the following examples of elements and compounds
Take a look at the following examples of elements and compounds. Draw them into your notes. Use color. ELEMENTS COMPOUNDS What do you think is the main difference between elements and compounds?

4 Handout activity: “elements and compounds”
Split your white board into 2 sections: elements and compounds like this. ELEMENTS COMPOUNDS Using the cards your receive, place each card on the side you feel like the picture represents.

5 Examples in card deck: These are your elements:

6 Examples in card deck: These are your compounds:

7 Vocabulary Check Elements: composed of individual or identical atoms.
Compounds: composed of two or more different atoms.

8 Pure substances Mixtures
Take a look at the following examples of pure substances vs. mixtures. Draw them into your notes. Use color. Pure substances Mixtures What do you think is the main difference between pure substances and mixtures?

9 Handout activity: “pure substances and mixtures”
Split your white board into 2 sections: elements and compounds like this. Pure substances Mixtures Using the cards your receive, place each card on the side you feel like the picture represents.

10 Examples in card deck: These are your pure substances:

11 Examples in card deck: These are your mixtures:

12 Vocabulary Check Pure substances: composed of particles that are all identical Includes substances that are: Composed of all identical element particles Composed of all identical compound particles. Mixtures: composed particles that are NOT identical Composed of 2+ different element particles Composed of 2+ different compounds particles Composed of 2+ element and compound particles.

13 Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Take a look at the following examples of “homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.” Draw them into your notes. Homogeneous Heterogeneous What do you think is the main difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures?

14 Handout activity: “mixtures”
Split your white board into 2 sections: elements and compounds like this. homogeneous Heterogeneous Using the cards your receive, place each card on the side you feel like the picture represents.

15 Vocabulary Check Homogeneous Mixture: the particles are evenly distributed throughout the mixture Heterogeneous Mixture: the particles are NOT evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

16 Examples in card deck: These are your homogeneous:

17 Examples in card deck: These are your heterogeneous:

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