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The Ways to look at Culture

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1 The Ways to look at Culture
Erasmus IP “Modernisation of Europe by Innovating Teacher Training’ 4 – 7 July 2010 Vilnius


3 The Ways to look at Culture
Geert Hofstede‘s Model of Cultural Dimensions - power distance; - uncertainty avoidance; - individualism/collectivism; - masculinity/femininity; - time orientation.

4 The Ways to look at Culture
The Hall‘s behavioural components of culture: Fast and Slow Messages High and Low Context Territoriality Personal Space Monochronic and Polychronic Time

5 The Ways to look at Culture
People Relationship among people Preserved customs and traditions Events favoured by young people History Nature Values Lithuanian language Knowledge of foreign languages Attitudes towards foreigners Lithuanian food Body language The conception of time The feeling of security The thing that attracted my attention

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