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Student Names Date Course Number

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1 Student Names Date Course Number
The Responses of Seabirds to a Potential Foraging Cue, Dimethyl Sulfide Student Names Date Course Number

2 Activity 1: Can King penguin adults and chicks detect DMS?
Concluding statement that summarizes findings from Activity 1. Figure 1. Title of figure. Description of results including descriptive statistics (average ± standard error) . Conclusion from figure including p-value. [adult response to odors] Figure 2. Title of figure. Description of results including descriptive statistics (average ± standard error) . Conclusion from figure including p-value. [chick response to odors]

3 Activity 2: Are King penguins attracted to DMS?
Concluding statement that summarizes findings from Activity 2. Figure 3. Title of figure. Description of results including description of relationship between x and y variables and relevant statistics (regression line equation, R2, p-value). Conclusion from figure including p-value. [bird recruitment to lake after control odor deployment] Figure 4. Title of figure. Description of results including description of relationship between x and y variables and relevant statistics (regression line equation, R2, p-value). Conclusion from figure including p-value. [bird recruitment to lake after DMS odor deployment]

4 Activity 3: Are other seabirds sensitive to DMS?
Concluding statement that summarizes findings from Activity 3. Figure 5. Title of figure. Description of results. Conclusion from figure including p-value.

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