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Status and Implications of PID measurements at high pT

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1 Status and Implications of PID measurements at high pT
Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago

2 University of Illinois at Chicago
Outline The motivation: Where we are: current picture High pT – What? Where? Why? Identified particles at high pT: The identified particle measurements Implications and Theoretical input Open questions Summary 2 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

3 Medium properties via jets
hadrons q leading particle leading particle Jet Tomography: calibrated (?) probes Described by pQCD Particle production in hard sector  convolution of PDF NLO  FF Energy loss mechanisms: need discriminative measurements Path length effects  non-trivial: Flavor/color-charge dependence of parton-medium coupling In-medium fragmentation/ hadronization ….. High pT PID 3 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

4 University of Illinois at Chicago
Define “high” In pp: inclusive cross-section is dominated by jet production above ~4 GeV/c What about RHIC matter? CDF Collaboration, PRD 65, , 2002. T.Hirano, Y.Nara, PRC69,034908(2004) Quick look at intermediate pT: “Lingering” hydro flow Baryon anomaly Ridge High: pT > 6 Gev/c 4 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

5 University of Illinois at Chicago
Jet quenching at RHIC Nuclear Modification Factors Jet quenching evident in strong suppression of high pT hadrons Multiple models provide a successful descriptions of the suppression levels Most include radiative and collisional energy loss PHENIX 200 GeV coll rad rad+coll Fits: G. Qin et al, PRL100:072301, 2008 5 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

6 Jet quenching: Data & Models
TECHQM Collaboration: Set to compare jet-quenching scenarios with the same constraints: same nuclear profile same structure & fragmentation functions same medium (hydro) RAA of p(h) is not very discriminating Need more differential measurements S. Bass et al, arXiv: H. Caines CATHIE/TECHQM-2009 * Similar results from GLV and WHDG 6 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

7 Medium properties and E-loss
S. Wicks et al - NPA784: ,2007 The real Outline: Identified particles spectra in pp and AA High-pT ratios and Nuclear modification factors Mass, Color-charge, Flavor effects Heavy flavor studies Correlations with identified particles S. Albino, et ak - NPB 725 (2005) 181 7 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

8 University of Illinois at Chicago
The reference: p and p hadrons q leading particle leading particle p+p→p0+X S.S. Adler et al, PRL Simon, private communication KKP: B. Kniehl, G. Kramer, P¨otter, Nucl. Phys. B597, 337 (2001) AKK: S. Albino, B Kniehl, G. Kramer, arXiv: v2 DSS: D. de Florian, W. Vogelsang, F. Wagner, arXiv: v3 p+p→p0+X F. Simon 8 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

9 University of Illinois at Chicago
The reference: kaons STAR preliminary STAR preliminary Y. Xu SQM09 STAR preliminary A. Timmins SQM09 Consistent results for K0S and K Extended kaon spectra – new constrains for FF Direct measurements of FF: Pythia works well for K0S , not so well for L 9 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

10 University of Illinois at Chicago
Sample of RAA in PHENIX C. Vale, Quark Matter 09 10 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

11 University of Illinois at Chicago
Zooming in: p and p arXiv: STAR preliminary PHENIX QM09: “At high pT RCP(p) approaches RCP(p)” PRELIMINARY STAR QM08: High pT RAA(p)>RAA(p) The issue: pQCD predicts E-loss dependence on color-charge factors CA/CF = 9/4 Is there issue? @10 GeV/c: p(0.60q+0.40g), p (0.05q+0.95g) 11 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

12 Jet chemistry modifications
pQCD expectation : RAA(p) < RAA() STAR Preliminary p k π W. Liu and R. Fries, PRC 77, (2008) Observation from central Au+Au collisions: RAA(r)~RAA() <RAA(K)<RAA(p) K/ (AA)>K/ (pp) Hierarchy consistent with jet flavor conversion parton medium interactions 12 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

13 Medium-induced modifications
Flavor-conversions q  g HT contributions - direct hadron production _ q q  p q S. Brodsky, A. Sickles, PLB (2008) Leads to RAA() <RAA(p) Describes decreasing trend pT for v2 for (anti)protons Centrality dependence of proton-triggered correlations W. Liu and R. Fries, PRC 77, (2008) Reverses expected  trend /p− ratio from pp to Au+Au to  Boosts Kaon production ~ factor 2 due to abundance of QGP s-quarks Reverses expected  trend /p− ratio from pp to Au+Au to  Boosts Kaon production ~ factor 2 due to abundance of QGP s-quarks d 13 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

14 Energy loss for Heavy Flavor
Heavy quarks – calculable (?) probes for medium properties Discriminating power for energy loss scenarios Open heavy flavor Smaller gluon bremsstrahlung for heavy quarks  Smaller suppression at high pT Light flavor energy loss Strong suppression at high pT in RAA Radiative vs. collisional energy loss 14 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

15 High pT suppression for HF
RAA for non-photonic electrons (from heavy flavor decays) PHENIX QM09 STAR PRL, 98, (2007) No decrease in suppression for non-photonic e 15 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

16 Energy loss for beauty Heavy Flavor results from non-photonic electrons: Strong suppression of heavy-flavor at high pT in RAA ~ light mesons Inconsistent with radiative energy loss prediction  needs collisional too What about beauty? Mid-rapidity e + forward m ~25%B,75%C mostly B e –D0 correlation using like-sign e-K pairs Agreement on b- and c- fractions from multiple STAR & PHENIX studies b-decays contribution to non-photonic electrons: ~50% at pT~5 GeV/c  strong suppression in AA for both charm and beauty! 16 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

17 University of Illinois at Chicago
Summary & Outlook RHIC: Systematic studies of the partonic medium Systematic studies of identified particle spectra New constrains of FF Jet-chemistry modifications in AA Jet flavor conversion / direct hadron production / ?? Ongoing challenges Color-charge effects and jet chemistry High pT suppression: both Charm and Beauty? ………… 17 Olga Evdokimov University of Illinois at Chicago Jan 2- 9, 2010

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