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Fallen Angels Military Vocabulary.

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1 Fallen Angels Military Vocabulary

2 Vocabulary 1. GI- soldier, abbreviation for government issue.
2. Cong- abbre. For VietCong, the communist-led South Vietnamese army and guerrilla forces that fought the South Vietnamese government forces and were supported by North Vietnam 3. Company- body of troops made up of a headquarters and two or three platoons 4. Quonset Huts- semicylindrical metal buildings usually used as military barracks or storage sheds. 5. Battalion- military ground-force unit made up of three or four or more companies.

3 6. MOS- Major Operating System.
7. Flak Jacket- armored protective vest consisting of overlapping plates of steel, aluminum, fiberglass, or ceramic. 8. Shrapnel- shell fragments projected outward by an explosion. 9. Platoon- military unit consisting of two or more squads. 10. Squad- small number of soldiers; usually 10 privates, a sergeant, and a corporal.

4 11. LZ- Landing Zone, a place designated for the pick up of soldiers or the delivery of supplies.
12. C rations- canned-food supply for soldiers. 13. Hueys- UH-1 series helicopters that were used extensively by the US in the Vietnam conflict 14. Bandoliers- broad belts worn over the shoulder by soldiers and containing small loops or pockets for holding ammunition. 15. Claymore- antipersonnel mine designed to produce a fan-shaped pattern of projectiles.

5 16. Standing down- temporarily ceasing offensive military action.
17. Reconnaissance- search made for military information in the field. 18. Greenies- slang term for Green Berets (Special Forces), US Army personnel trained to organize and supervise guerrilla forces and to conduct unconventional warfare. 19. Interdiction- attack on enemy positions or lines of communication or travel for the purpose of delaying or disrupting enemy progress. 20. Deploy- to spread out or to place.

6 21. Frag- military slang, to intentionally wound or kill a superior officer, especially with a hand grenade. 22. Bivouacked- encamped, especially with tents or makeshift shelters and usually without protection from enemy fire. 23. Napalm- extremely flammable jellylike substance used in firebombs. 24. Contingent- a group of troops furnished for a particular purpose. 25. NVA- North Vietnamese Army

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