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Customer Surveying Chapter 1. The Basics of Customer Surveying

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1 Customer Surveying Chapter 1. The Basics of Customer Surveying
Chapter 2. Pitfalls on the Survey Trail

2 Survey = Process of examining some area of interest.
Identify Devise Gather Analyze Draw

3 Why? To profile the perceptions held by the respondent about the service delivered by your organization, because perceptions held by your customers are not objective reality, but they are to your customers, and to identify reality as perceived by customers to give you the information to form good action plans to improve those perceptions.

4 Requirements for Surveys
Efficiency and effectiveness, validity and reliability, precision and accuracy.

5 Customer Loyalty Program
Listen actively, listen broadly, listen deeply, listen to extremes, (listen frequently).

6 Types of Surveys Specific Purpose Surveys (not ongoing)
Periodic Surveys (recurring) Transaction-Driven Surveys (result of some event, i.e. service transaction)

7 Questions while preparing surveys
Do the questions on the instrument truly measure what we intend them to measure? Does every respondent interpret the questions on the instrument in the same way?

8 Instrumentation Bias through:
absence of clearly stated criteria, questions that do not apply to the respondent, examples that lead responses, unreasonable recall expectations, ambiguous wording, combination questions, leading or loaded questions, Improper sequencing of questions.

9 Administration Bias through:
the administration process, the administration technique, targeting the wrong population, the sample generation, the respondent group, statistical strength of the generalizations from the sample to the population.

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