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Eurostat internet tools Point 17: DWG 15-16th April 2010

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1 Eurostat internet tools Point 17: DWG 15-16th April 2010
30/11/2018 Eurostat internet tools Point 17: DWG 15-16th April 2010 B.Le Goff, C.Laevaert, M.Kiomall Unit D4 – Dissemination 15 April 2010

2 Introduction Web site monitoring Data explorer Table Graph Maps
30/11/2018 Introduction Web site monitoring Data explorer Table Graph Maps Country and regional profile Business Cycle Clock New projects Cooperation With MS 15 April 2010 Internet tools

3 Web site monitoring 22.8 millions visits between April 2009 and March2010 (16.8 millions of visits between April 2008 and March 2009) (+13.5%) 4.5 millions of pdf downloads over the same periode (3.6 millions the year before)(+12.5%) 3.2 millions extractions over the same period (2.4 millions extractions the year before)(13%) 15 April 2010 Internet tools

4 Data explorer Eurostat in house development
For January-2010, the Data Explorer has been used 315,666 times (+9.9% compared to the previous month). The new version 2.4 with enhanced functionalities launched in parallel with the new reference database called "Eurobase" Eurobase replaced New Cronos and the Eva family tools have been stopped 15 April 2010 Internet tools

5 Table Graph Maps A consolidated version has been deployed in December 2009 with extended functionalities such as: New graph types (horizontal/vertical stacked bar, box-plot, pyramid) Source of data Balloons Improvement of table layout Cosmetic changes Bug fixes 15 April 2010 Internet tools

6 Country and regional profiles
The version 2.0 of the country profiles in test The main features of this new version are: Regional Profiles City Profiles Link to/from the CARP application Integration with the new application called CARP. 15 April 2010 Internet tools

7 Business Cycle Clock It gives the users visual tools for analysing the business cycle mainly, though not exclusively based on the Principle European Economic Indicators (PEEI). Its usage on the web is regular with around 5000 monthly consultations 15 April 2010 Internet tools

8 New projects Inflation Monitor CARP
graphically display statistical information about inflation data CARP a new web application used to provide graphical search functionalities for regions and cities X-DIS eServices will allow an automated download of Estat data via internet with: A web service allowing a data request using SDMX Queries, A download facility for the results and pre-generated data set(s) in SDMX-ML format, An RSS feed informing about the updates. 15 April 2010 Internet tools

9 Cooperation With MS News Service using RSS technology
30/11/2018 Cooperation With MS News Service using RSS technology around 320 000 monthly consultations Predefined tables sharing 15 April 2010 Internet tools

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