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Http:// Dec '03 San Simeon, California earthquake (magnitude 6.5)

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Presentation on theme: "Http:// Dec '03 San Simeon, California earthquake (magnitude 6.5)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dec '03 San Simeon, California earthquake (magnitude 6.5)

2 Where will the next BIG earthquake occur on Earth?

3 Plate Boundaries Red = Convergent Orange = Divergent
This is a screenshot from GIS ArcExplorer software. Red = Convergent Orange = Divergent Purple = Strike-Slip/Transform

4 Earthquakes in 2009 Red = Convergent Orange = Divergent
This is a screenshot from GIS ArcExplorer software. Red = Convergent Orange = Divergent Purple = Strike-Slip/Transform Pink dots = Earthquakes > 4.0, 2009

5 Significant Big Earthquakes, 1994-2009
This is a screenshot from GIS ArcExplorer software. Blue dots = Earthquakes , Red = Convergent Orange = Divergent Purple = Strike-Slip/Transform

6 Significant Big Earthquakes (>7. 0) 1994-2009 & Earthquakes (> 4
Significant Big Earthquakes (>7.0) & Earthquakes (> 4.0) in 2009 This is a screenshot from GIS ArcExplorer software. Red = Convergent Orange = Divergent Purple = Strike-Slip/Transform Blue dots = Earthquakes , Pink dots = Earthquakes > 4.0, 2009

7 Significant Earthquakes ( > 7
Significant Earthquakes ( > 7.0) within 100 miles of a Convergent Plate This is a screenshot from GIS ArcExplorer software. Yellow = Earthquakes > 7.0 within 100 miles of a convergent plate. 588/1250 = 47%

8 Significant Earthquakes ( > 7
Significant Earthquakes ( > 7.0) within 200 miles of a Convergent Plate This is a screenshot from GIS ArcExplorer software. Yellow = Earthquakes > 7.0 within 200 miles of a convergent plate. 886/1250 = 71%

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