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Department Meeting August 24, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Department Meeting August 24, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department Meeting August 24, 2015

2 Builder Mr. Stevens

3 Setting the Context Purpose: Develop Team
“Smarten-Up” Observable Goals Begin PLC Cycle with Goal Integration Outcome: NORMS – Observable Behaviors Reviewed and Revised Goal Revisit Scope & Sequence Nunez

4 PLC Cycle Barragan

5 Roles and Responsibilities

6 Create/Review Norms with Department Members

7 Parker - Resource for discussion on creating norms

8 Smart Goals on
Review & Discuss How do we “Smarten-up” the goals? Tinajero-2 Stars and a Wish ( 3 to 5 Minutes)

9 Share Around How do we integrate the PLC Cycle with the School-Wide Observable Goal? Barragan-Think-Pair-Share

10 Tinajero-What questions might you still have?

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