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Genetics and Technology

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1 Genetics and Technology

2 Genetic Engineering Genes or pieces of DNA are taken from one organism and transferred to another organism.

3 Recombinant DNA When DNA pieces from two different organisms join together.

4 Cloning Genetically identical individuals are created from a single cell. The nucleus of a female egg cell is removed The remaining egg cell is injected with the nucleus of a cell taken from another adult They fuse and the single cell begins to divide and is implanted into a host mother.

5 Selective Breeding Allowing only those animals with desired characteristics to produce the next generation. Many pets and produce.

6 Hybridization Crossing dissimilar individuals to bring together the best of both organisms.

7 Inbreeding The continued breeding of individuals with similar characteristics. Breeds of dogs.

8 Stem Cells Cells that do not have a specific function.
Scientists hope stem cells will be the key to replacing cells that have been damaged by injury or disease. May one day be able to grow actual parts from these cells Comes from embryonic and adult tissues.

9 Human Genome Project Complete set of the human’s DNA
Main goal was to identify the 30,000-40,000 genes in human DNA Also hoped to determine the sequence of base pairs Completed in 2003 Hope to use the information to detect and treat diseases Some believe humans are taking too much control over nature Could lead to parents choosing the traits of their children.

10 Gel Electrophoresis Used to match DNA (usually suspect to evidence)
Separates DNA fragments Ex: Jewel Thief Leaves DNA behind at the scene, this will be the standard 3 suspects give DNA to be tested

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