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1st May St. Joseph the worker Gospel of Jn. 3 –

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Presentation on theme: "1st May St. Joseph the worker Gospel of Jn. 3 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 1st May St. Joseph the worker Gospel of Jn. 3 – 31 - 36

2 4th May 2014 3rd Sunday of Easter

3 Gospel: Luke Ch. 24: 13 – 35

4 The Many Roads to Emmaus

5 Jerusalem Emmaus 7km

6 Two friends of Jesus having watched the Friday
event started to return back home disappointed.

7 They could not make sense of the Good Friday events.

8 But somebody (Jesus) joins them.

9 They did not recognize Him and Jesus himself invited them to tell their story.

10 A long story, with ups and downs, great hopes all gone.
Jesus listens in silence.

11 After a long silence He takes up the dialogue.

12 What Jesus taught them on the way becomes real during the meal
What Jesus taught them on the way becomes real during the meal. They recognise Jesus.

13 We also journey Birth Death Stops life

14 Joys and sorrows, success and failure, good health, and sickness…
From Birth to Death we are in search of Happiness.

15 Happiness is not pleasure, happiness is Jesus.

16 He is on the “Road” with us but very often we do not understand his presence (exactly like the two gentleman on the road to Emmaus).

17 Jesus wants to lead us through life but we sometimes want to make the journey by ourselves, without His help.

18 Let us make friends with Jesus and even if the road of our life becomes difficult, He is always there to see us through.

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