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International Patiënts Day Friday, November 17th – 15

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1 International Patiënts Day Friday, November 17th 2017 10. 00 – 15
International Patiënts Day Friday, November 17th – LUMC hospital Albinusdreef 2 in Leiden, The Netherlands A 3-day international conference on Fibrous Dysplasia/ MAS is about to take place in November, During the conference various FD experts from different parts of the world will come together to meet and discuss research, treatment methods and clinical pathways for patiënts with Fibrous Dysplasia/ MAS. This 3rd edition of the anual “International Consortium for Fibrous Dysplasia/MAS meeting” will be hosted by the LUMC hospital in Leiden, The Netherlands.   The final day has been selected to accomodate the “International Patiënts Day”. A patiënts day where you will have the opportunity to meet experts on Fibrous Dysplasia from various international hospitals. You are invited to attend the International Patiënts Day on the 17th of November 2017 in Leiden, NL. Programm International Patiënts Day, November 17th 10:00-10:15 Registration and coffee 10:15-10:30 Word of Welcome Martine Dekker- Grootveld, President Dutch FD Association 10:30- 10:45 “Update on bisphosphonates in FD” Prof. Roland Chapurlat, Lyon, France 10:45-11:00 “Update Denosumab in FD” Dr. Natasha Appelman- Dijkstra, LUMC Netherlands 11:00-11:15 “Update on pediatric managment in FD” Dr. Alison Boyce, NIH Bethesda USA 11:15- 11:30 “Update on orthopedic managment in FD” Dr. Robert Stanton, Nemours, Florida USA 11:30-12:00 “Update from the different patiënt avocacy groups” Deanna Portero, Fibrous Dysplasia Foundation 12:00-13:00 LUNCH 13:00-14:30 Meet the expert – round table sessions Pediatric table Craniofacial FD table McCune Albright Syndrom table Orthopedic/medical table Patiënt advocacy groups table Various sessions during which you can discuss a specific subject in small groups and where you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the relevant experts and fellow patiënts. 14:30 Wrap up session and future meeting 15:00-15:15 Closing official Meeting Opportunity to talk on with experts and peers. Registration: Please confirm your attendance by sending an to: The International Patiënts Day is held in collaboration with:

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